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Forum > MSTA Sanctioned Event Reports

STAR 2016 Vermont

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--- Quote from: Paco Bulto on June 28, 2016, 09:34:03 am ---
--- Quote from: Brick on June 27, 2016, 08:15:14 am ---

With Honda demo truck here Chris Jernigan took yesterday and rode 5 of the bikes Honda brought! Great fun! I do like the Africa Twin and while it's not a replacement for my Super Tenere it is a much better off road bike than the Tenere'. That being said the Tenere is a much better touring bike than the Africa Twin... in my opinion. YMMV!

--- End quote ---

Hi Brick,

My opinion on the AT is the same as yours. A lot of fun off road, but I won't be replacing my Super Tenere with one. I'll continue to use my DR350 and DR435 for that.

Have a great time at STAR.

Fred Z.

(Taking good care of Donna after her recent back surgery)

--- End quote ---

Hi Fred,
Oh I wish Donna a speedy recovery!

Let's Ride!

I rode both of the manual shift Africa Twins (but not the DCT model). The one with street tires and hard bags I rode with the group and then I had a 45 minute 1 on 1 on the AT wearing knobbies largely off pavement with Doug Westley. Most know that my interests these days are dual sport and adventure riding/touring more than sport touring so my comments come that perspective.

Bottom line I REALLY like the bike. It's more of a real adventure bike than a adventure bike look alike. I love the motor. Nice progressive power with gobs of torque and a very satisfying MOTORCYLE sound. I thought the suspension was surprisingly good for a production Japanese bike. We didn't ride any really knarly stuff but it just seemed to glide over the chatter bumps and washouts on the gravel roads we rode. The seat was OK and ergonomics were very good for me (I'm tall) and I could stand comfortably. ABS works well (couldn't lock the wheels) and the rear can be turned off while moving. Traction control has 4 levels of influence. With it turned off completely the rear end will break loose off pavement with any big handfull of throttle. In the highest position the bike won't spin at all. Whacking the throttle wide open sounds like the engine drops back to only 1 cylinder.

Being 500ish pounds it's not quite as "dirty" as my DR650 but it's a MUCH better adventure tourer and is surprisingly capable on maintained unpaved roads. I LIKE it! I'd trade my V-Strom for one in a heartbeat except for the small matter of the $13k price tag. But hey, after I win the BMW F800GT tomorrow night, I'll just trade it for one ;-)

I rode 3 demo bikes, and enjoyed them all (Interceptor, CBR1000R, CB1100F), not sure I'd buy any but each had plusses and minuses. My brother Richard rode several demo bikes, all in our group of 4 did as did so many others. Thanks to Honda. :-)

Great event with fine weather, great roads and things to see, and of course the greatest people around with MSTA.

Capped off by my bro winning the bike.  WOW!

Thanks to the EC and the many many great volunteers who do so much for us.

Turns out Richard will be riding the BMW back home. His VFR was exhibiting symptoms of an impending regular/rectifier failure and we decided this was the better plan. So the VFR was taken to a shop near Rutland VT and we're staying another day before heading for home, and hoping to return on the 4th to bring it back home on Tuesday.

I know the winner hasn't been present often, so riding the bike home would be even more rare. Has it been done before? Some strange karma going on here. We'll make sure to take pictures and videos.

I want those pics for the photo site!!!!! -JEP-

Sent by using these little bitty keys on my iPhone using Tapatalk


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