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Forum > Wanted
Bags & liners for BMW F800 GT
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--- Quote from: Brick on July 20, 2016, 11:10:08 am ---Not sure if I posted this before but makes great bag liners too. I'm still using a set from an ST-1100 in my Tenere'!
--- End quote --- Thanks Brick. I've been to their site, but have also had another member PM about a set they have (from an older BMW) and I've seen many others which would likely work for anywhere from $35-60. So, I'm still waiting for the big bargain on the actual cases.
You might think that manufacturers would make bags that would be more universally applicable, but it doesn't seem to be the case (no pun intended). I suppose every bike has slightly differing space available to make the bags bigger and more tidy looking without making them gosh-awful big.
BMW used to make bags that would fit most anything they made with a few exceptions for models like the R80G/S and R80ST (which used the same bags but different from everything else). It's a shame, but they seem to have gotten in line with everyone else and make bags that fit only 1 model. rather than a universal bag with different mounting hardware.
I suppose you've checked out Givi. I don't know if they do brackets for an F800GT. When all else fails, you could sell the VFR to buy the BMW bags.
--- Quote from: HawkGTRider on July 20, 2016, 04:32:30 pm ---You might think that manufacturers would make bags that would be more universally applicable, but it doesn't seem to be the case (no pun intended). I suppose every bike has slightly differing space available to make the bags bigger and more tidy looking without making them gosh-awful big.
BMW used to make bags that would fit most anything they made with a few exceptions for models like the R80G/S and R80ST (which used the same bags but different from everything else). It's a shame, but they seem to have gotten in line with everyone else and make bags that fit only 1 model. rather than a universal bag with different mounting hardware.
I suppose you've checked out Givi. I don't know if they do brackets for an F800GT. When all else fails, you could sell the VFR to buy the BMW bags.
--- End quote --- Yes Geoffrey I read on another BMW forum (didn't bookmark it darn it) that several other models used the same bags. I just have to figure it out again. I haven't looked at GIVI really, main thing being the bike came with the BMW mounts. I'm no wrencher, so don't know about taking them off, installing others and then trying to sell. Did see some soft ones from SW-Mototech (or whatever there name is) that looked cool, and about half the price.
Now, as for selling the VFR - why I outta wash your mouth out with soap. Don't let Little Red hear you talking like that. But seriously, that bike has been so good to me, and still has less than 25K on the odometer (and it's going on 16 years old), I just couldn't sell it. Love the sound of the engine and pipe way too much.
I've seen BMW GS1100 type bikes with very similar brackets for the bags. Something to consider would be getting together with some other BMW riders that have bags, and check if their model fits.
As for selling the VFR how dare you even suggest that, he'd be full darkside BMW guy then ;) Next thing he'll be suggesting we camp at events :)
Besides I know he loves that bike, as I do mine. And it seems that many I talk to who owned a VFR (pre VTEC) and sold it wish they hadn't. I took mine for a ride after 10 days on the Sprint and I loved the sound and the way it stirred my soul.
--- Quote from: RichGrab on July 20, 2016, 04:54:04 pm --- --- Quote from: HawkGTRider on July 20, 2016, 04:32:30 pm ---You might think that manufacturers would make bags that would be more universally applicable, but it doesn't seem to be the case (no pun intended). I suppose every bike has slightly differing space available to make the bags bigger and more tidy looking without making them gosh-awful big.
BMW used to make bags that would fit most anything they made with a few exceptions for models like the R80G/S and R80ST (which used the same bags but different from everything else). It's a shame, but they seem to have gotten in line with everyone else and make bags that fit only 1 model. rather than a universal bag with different mounting hardware.
I suppose you've checked out Givi. I don't know if they do brackets for an F800GT. When all else fails, you could sell the VFR to buy the BMW bags.
--- End quote --- Yes Geoffrey I read on another BMW forum (didn't bookmark it darn it) that several other models used the same bags. I just have to figure it out again. I haven't looked at GIVI really, main thing being the bike came with the BMW mounts. I'm no wrencher, so don't know about taking them off, installing others and then trying to sell. Did see some soft ones from SW-Mototech (or whatever there name is) that looked cool, and about half the price.
Now, as for selling the VFR - why I outta wash your mouth out with soap. Don't let Little Red hear you talking like that. But seriously, that bike has been so good to me, and still has less than 25K on the odometer (and it's going on 16 years old), I just couldn't sell it. Love the sound of the engine and pipe way too much.
--- End quote --- I have an '86 VFR (the first year Honda used that designation) that I still enjoy riding. As a matter of fact, I just put a new battery in it and will be taking it out for a nice ride tomorrow. I hope you know I was being facetious when I said something about you selling your VFR. The fact that I've had this '86 VFR for more than 10 years (now with ~68k miles) should tell you how much I like it.
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