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Radar Detectors

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I am looking to buy a radar detector, preferably for $100 or less. Any suggestions? Also, are the Valentine, Bel-Tronics or Escort detectors really worth the extra few hundred bucks? I rarely ride much over the speed limit, but it would be nice to be alerted when my speed is being monitored while riding "spiritedly"... ::)

I've had several different brands over the years.  Beltronics, Escort, Cobra and Whistler.  Never had a Valentine.   They all detected radar OK.  Major difference I found was some would give a lot of false readings, particularly for LIDAR more than others.  Beltronics and Escort are the same company and I definitely did not find either to be vastly superior to any other out on the road.   I also found all them to pick up instant on at the same time the LEO nailed you.  Right now, my Cobra sits on the bench because I ride too much in western VA and they run radar detector detectors.  There are several Cobra's under $100 that are IMO as good as the rest.

For several years I've used the Passport 9500ix in a weather box from on my bikes and have had very good luck with it. It has built-in GPS and will automatically disable false alerts after detecting the same radar signal, such as a door opener, three times at the same location.

I also recommend looking at the reviews on Radar Roy's website.


A lot of people buy radar detectors, don't use them and they end up on Craigslist.  I've purchased two Passport 8500 X50 detectors that way cheap.


--- Quote from: LeeDavis on April 11, 2014, 05:21:13 pm ---A lot of people buy radar detectors, don't use them and they end up on Craigslist.  I've purchased two Passport 8500 X50 detectors that way cheap.

--- End quote ---
Great Tip!


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