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Forum > GPS Talk
Caveat Emptor re Garmin
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Something doesn't sound right or I'm misunderstanding your post. I have a Garmin 590 with lifetime maps. I update the GPS maps on a regular basis. I also update the maps on my computer as well as on my laptop with no problems. Before you burn the place down with Garmin I'd talk to another rep and as also suggested install Garmin Express and try again. -JEP-
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--- Quote from: RIDEMYST on August 08, 2017, 08:24:02 am ---Something doesn't sound right or I'm misunderstanding your post. I have a Garmin 590 with lifetime maps. I update the GPS maps on a regular basis. I also update the maps on my computer as well as on my laptop with no problems. Before you burn the place down with Garmin I'd talk to another rep and as also suggested install Garmin Express and try again. -JEP-
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--- End quote --- I don't have lifetime updates on this mapset. The mapset is unlocked and functional on the gps but i want to use Basecamp so I attempted to install them from disc on the new Windows 10 computer. The files are present and the map manager sees the mapset but reports it is "unauthorized". I was able to install and unlock an old mapset (CNN8) from disc with no drama but the older disc allowed manual input of the 25 character unlock code. However newer versions (i.e. NT2015) require unlocking online and do not provide for manual input of the 25 character unlock code (which I have). Garmin Connect correctly identifies my gps but when I attempt to unlock the mapset on the W10 machine Garmin Connect reports the unlock code has been "consumed". So, according to the agent, this mapset cannot be used on the new computer and I have to purchase an update. That sucks because I PAID for the mapset (on disc). It's not even 2 years old and is plenty accurate for me and I have no interest in purchasing an update. I've encountered license issues with Garmin before and frankly, like many others, I'm just tired of their crap. There are other viable FREE options. And, as I said in my original post, I believe their licensing approach will be their downfall.
Jim, have you tried JaVaWa? "Introduction You can create a backup of your maps with JaVaWa GMTK and restore these (e.g. on another computer) including unlock codes. Re-installing maps is unnecessary. Migration of your Garmin maps from and old computer to a new one is straightforward with this application. Do you want to use your maps on a second computer like a laptop or netbook? JaVaWa GMTK takes care of it."
--- Quote from: Brick on August 07, 2017, 09:21:20 pm ---Hmmm... so say my old computer was stolen and I had to buy a new one. So that would mean I would have to pay all over again?!?!
Both Jims, I have run Base Camp with Win 7 and 10 plus NT with some issues for two Zumo's and two Nuvi's but they all had lifetime maps and were registered with MyGarmin. Sometimes I had to use Garmin Express, sometimes Garmin Loader, and Base Camp itself.
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--- End quote --- No, your unit and or map subscription is registered with Garmin.
I guess this makes life time maps well worth their purchase. I know my first GPS a Nuvi had them, and I had stuff installed on both a work computer and at home. My recent Zumo purchase also had LTM designation.
Not sure I'd every be comfortable using my smart phone for GPS on a bike.
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