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Author Topic: Wake now has Motorcycle specific navigation  (Read 15497 times)

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Offline Brick

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Wake now has Motorcycle specific navigation
« on: December 05, 2017, 08:25:40 am »


This sounded interesting. Anyone?

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Re: Wake now has Motorcycle specific navigation
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2017, 09:30:27 am »
A good first start maybe, but not exactly a twisty road option?
And auto-correct strikes again.
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Re: Wake now has Motorcycle specific navigation
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2017, 09:37:05 am »
Looks interesting. The ETA in mu Garmins have always been pessimistic but I have found at the end of the day they work out almost spot on since they do not do not factor in fuel and lunch stops.

I wonder if the Waze app realizes that MSTAers (well most, anyway) go faster on twisty backroads where there are no popo than on the major highways where radar  threats slow us down. A big flaw in Gar,im's "Fastest Rout" calculation.
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Re: Wake now has Motorcycle specific navigation
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2017, 10:26:57 am »
Oops yea auto correct... I’ll have to go to my computer to correct that. I can’t seem to find a way to correct the title of my thread in Tapatalk.

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Re: Wake now has Motorcycle specific navigation
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2017, 12:24:44 pm »
Looks interesting. The ETA in mu Garmins have always been pessimistic but I have found at the end of the day they work out almost spot on since they do not do not factor in fuel and lunch stops.

I wonder if the Waze app realizes that MSTAers (well most, anyway) go faster on twisty backroads where there are no popo than on the major highways where radar  threats slow us down. A big flaw in Gar,im's "Fastest Rout" calculation.

I've never gotten a definitive answer on how arrival times are done (it's a proprietary calculation). I vaguely remember setting up a speed for each type of road in MapSource, BaseCamp, or maybe on the actual GPS unit that could be involved. It could be based on speed limits (believable as on back roads I'm able to make up more time than on big roads...and as noted, we tend to chill on big roads and play on little ones). I seem to recall that there is no accommodation for traffic lights, stop signs, etc. That seems like a good theory to me to explain why I can never meet time estimates on city streets.
Geoffrey Greene
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Re: Wake now has Motorcycle specific navigation
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2017, 04:00:42 pm »
Looks interesting. The ETA in mu Garmins have always been pessimistic but I have found at the end of the day they work out almost spot on since they do not do not factor in fuel and lunch stops.

I wonder if the Waze app realizes that MSTAers (well most, anyway) go faster on twisty backroads where there are no popo than on the major highways where radar  threats slow us down. A big flaw in Gar,im's "Fastest Rout" calculation.
Depends on the backroads and how wild of a rider you are. To me back roads = twisty and often with many small towns. That means lower than highway speeds, my GPS bears that out as does a friend and riding companion's bicycle computers used on his rides for years. Riding on back roads we rarely have a moving average above 40-45MPH.  On the slab that would easily be higher, depending on the speed limits maybe close to double (80 in a 70MPH zone). Sure back roads have less police, but there's also more challenges for the rider.
If however your back roads are mostly flat and straight (Florida, Kansas, etc.) then sure the speeds may be higher.
In the years I've used GPS I've tried to understand the estimated travel time, even in the car it doesn't seem to make sense or depend much on the speed I'm traveling.
Steve Grabowski
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Re: Wake now has Motorcycle specific navigation
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2017, 04:57:18 pm »
Slabbing it on a motorcycle, your "average speed" is really effected by gas stops because compared to most cars our bikes have a shorter range. 

Years ago, I recall coming home from Helen and using I-75 most of the way.  Although I kept my running speed at 65-70 mph, my gas stops every 200 miles - no more than 15-min each - whittled down my average speed to around 50 mph. 


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