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Forum > STAR 2018

Hotel rooms as of 3/11/18

<< < (4/6) > >>


--- Quote from: RichGrab on March 17, 2018, 09:55:24 am ---
--- Quote from: NinjaBob on March 16, 2018, 06:25:23 pm ---That's not old Rich. Old is "You meet the nicest people on a Honda". And yes, sad to say I remember that one from the 60's.

--- End quote ---
And I remember that one too. It was more that ad saying I quoted is how I feel about now. I haven't ridden any real miles since the end of the 2016 season. I'm suffering extreme withdrawal symptoms. :)

--- End quote ---
I average around 25k+ miles each year, and even have a normal total of around 1k in both January and February. This HAS been a bad year. In January 2018, I racked up a whopping 296 miles. But wait...I knocked that out of the park in February by 47 miles...a total of 343 miles. I feel sorry for you guys that live in a place where riding just isn't an option for several months of the year. But this year has been truly abominable for folks in some other parts of the country as well.

Back to the topic of this thread...how many doubles are left in the Holiday Inn now?


--- Quote from: HawkGTRider on March 19, 2018, 08:30:40 pm ---

Back to the topic of this thread...how many doubles are left in the Holiday Inn now?

--- End quote ---
Unknown by me. Others may have info.


--- Quote from: RichGrab on March 20, 2018, 10:34:32 am ---
--- Quote from: HawkGTRider on March 19, 2018, 08:30:40 pm ---

Back to the topic of this thread...how many doubles are left in the Holiday Inn now?

--- End quote ---
Unknown by me. Others may have info.

--- End quote ---
I would think around 20 rooms


--- Quote from: ipnman on March 22, 2018, 09:17:22 am ---
--- Quote from: RichGrab on March 20, 2018, 10:34:32 am ---
--- Quote from: HawkGTRider on March 19, 2018, 08:30:40 pm ---

Back to the topic of this thread...how many doubles are left in the Holiday Inn now?

--- End quote ---
Unknown by me. Others may have info.

--- End quote ---
I would think around 20 rooms

--- End quote ---
From the Holiday Inn
Here is what we still have available in your block:
Saturday, 6/09/18 - 17 rooms
Sunday, 6/10/18 - 16 rooms
Monday, 6/11/18 - 16 rooms
Tuesday, 6/12/18 - 16 rooms
Wednesday, 6/13/18 - 17 rooms
Let me know if you need anything else.
Have a great day!
Amy Landis |Director of Sales
Hope this helps

Just a personal observation from my visits to La Crosse; If you stay in the Holiday Inn the walk to the motorcycle parking is nearly the same as it is from the rooms inside the Radisson. The parking lot is just diagonal across the street, in other words very close.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk


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