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Forum > STAR 2018
Hotel rooms as of 3/11/18
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--- Quote from: JimRRides on May 03, 2018, 05:48:10 am ---Just a personal observation from my visits to La Crosse; If you stay in the Holiday Inn the walk to the motorcycle parking is nearly the same as it is from the rooms inside the Radisson. The parking lot is just diagonal across the street, in other words very close.
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--- End quote ---
That is correct! I think those staying in the Holiday Inn will want to park with those bikes in the Radisson parking lot. -JEP-
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When looking at pictures I noticed how close the large parking lot at Radisson is to the Holiday Inn, is that a shared lot for both hotels? I don't see much parking there and wonder where they have their guests park, possibly a parking deck adjoining the building (corner of 2nd and Jay)? The few STARs I was at with parking decks killed the "walking the parking lot to look at bikes" time in the evenings.
STAR bikes will be parked in the open lot, per the Radisson. There is a ramp across the street. Trailers and tow vehicles will park a few blocks north in a public parking lot. No camping. We have been working on these details and have written approval from everyone, including the City of La Crosse.
FYI, that was my concern the first time I saw the lot in person last July, and then started the approval process for the public lot. If you look on the map it is next to the Oktoberfest Grounds with a fence around it.
I just checked on the camp grounds near by, Pettibone just across the river, and Goose Island, a few miles south of town. Both are open for business and reservations. The flood waters have receded. Pettibone told me that not all camp sites are cleaned up yet, but will be in about a week, so they will be in good condition by June 9. These people have flooded areas along the river almost every year at some point, so they designed the campgrounds accordingly.
Re: Parking Lots
The Holiday Inn normally has guests park in the lot/structure just south of their hotel however the STAR kit in front of the Radisson is practically the same number of steps from a room in the Holiday Inn as it would be from a room in the Radisson, and as already mentioned there will be no problem for STAR attendees staying at hotels other than the Radisson parking their motorcycles in the Radisson parking lot.
Note: on most business days there are control gates/arms which govern access to the Radisson lot. My recollection was it was down and functioning on Saturday but not Sunday. For those motorcycle riders who are extreme rule followers you'll have to get the exit code from someone. For riders who don't mind slipping past the control arm, a bike can ride around it without much trouble.
Also of passing interest is the parking structure next to the Holiday Inn connects via a walkway to the west to the event center which then connects to the north to the Raddison. In inclement weather I would not be above parking in that covered lot and paying the fee.
Jim R
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The walk to the north lot is relatively unimpeded via the river walk and city park sidewalks. Personally I'd prefer it to be closer but it is way more convenient that overflow and trailer parking at many previous STARs.
I have always adored our stays in Avon for STAR but the overflow/trailer parking was not convenient, you had to make it through/across some rather busy streets and it was not particularly easy to run over there to retrieve things from trailer or truck.
What trailer parking they had planned in Colorado Springs was thoroughly sabotaged by the hotel, that turned in to a nasty mess.
In comparison to those this arrangement appears rather decent.
And we should be able to wander around all the bikes in the Radisson lot to our hearts content mere steps from either hotel's rooms.
Jim R
Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
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