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Forum > Wanted

Starter bike for my 20 year old daughter

<< < (4/6) > >>


--- Quote from: brider on March 25, 2018, 10:35:23 pm ---
Fuel injected.

--- End quote ---

Oops... Duhhh.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Awesome! Those look like fun bikes. Hope she loves it.


--- Quote from: Patmo on March 25, 2018, 07:48:03 pm ---Good deal!  Congratulations! 

--- End quote ---
More like good "steal". Congrats and may she enjoy many years and miles of enjoyment in the saddle.

Hopefully she won't pick up bad habits from pops ;)

Must be so cool to share this passion with your kids.


Honestly I was putting up some roadblocks the last year. Last week she clears all the hurdles and really left me no choice.  She reminded me that she is now 20 and serving her country so she would do this with me or with out me.  I could have said go right ahead as that would have stalled her for a while since her funds were pretty low but there I thought about me at 20 lurking those young ladies on the back of my KZ900 going way to fast without any gear.  At that point I decided I would be well served to put her at the handle bars instead of some fool.  I agreed to split the cost of the first bike and buy that first helmet and riding gear.  As we all know that's more important and almost as expensive but well worth it.  [/size][/color][/size][/color] I'm count on all my MSTA family to help me influence her if she decides this is a passion for her.  Tosh, Jon and Glen have already stepped up and know more of you will if I get her to some rides along the way.  Let the journey begin!


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