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Forum > STAR 2018
Schedula for Star 2018
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Wish I had more time. I'd love to go to R/A before STAR. Just sayin'. TM
--- Quote from: STLTHMSTA on April 30, 2018, 09:43:05 pm ---Wish I had more time. I'd love to go to R/A before STAR. Just sayin'. TM
--- End quote --- I've always wanted to go there and thought this might work out, but it won't.
Here is a brief overview of the schedule. There are many Riders that signed up to arrive on Saturday, to get in some extra riding.
The schedule has something for everyone, not just rides. Welcome Ceremonies on Sunday night as well as New Members/First Time Star Attendees meeting to tell you about the event. Monday morning has the Ladies of MSTA Meet & Greet Session. Monday evening the Annual Members Meeting.
Tuesday evening there are several seminars; Snell Memorial Foundation talking about helmet ratings, AMA speaker, Vendor speaker and more. And we cannot forget the Tuesday Lunch Ride, designed by Minnesota's Ray Kang. Wednesday evening has the Closing Banquet. Throughout the week, there are hundreds of door prizes given away. Just check the door prize board for your STAR registration number to see what you have won. From T-shirts to Battery chargers, to gift certificates ranging up to 50% off and $750.00 and a 2-night cabin stay in cycle hill country, several $100.00 certificates and much more. This is just some of the events planned along with the Breakfast Buffet each morning to give you a chance to meet new riders. There will also be several vendors available during the week, for tires, riding gear, and much more. This is all included in your registration at no extra cost, except for the Tuesday lunch. A small fee to the lunch, if you decide to join us, which we hope you do. If you have not signed up yet, now is the time. Early Bird registration ends May 15. See the latest issue of STAReview or on-line on this forum.
See you in La Crosse.
It’s been pretty quite here on the forum for the past few days. I assume everybody is busy prepping their bikes and taking care of last minute details before leaving for STAR! -JEP-
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--- Quote from: RIDEMYST on May 27, 2018, 08:40:01 am ---It’s been pretty quite here on the forum for the past few days. I assume everybody is busy prepping their bikes and taking care of last minute details before leaving for STAR! -JEP-
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--- End quote --- Yeah, just you wait and see. And I guess you & Dianne are busy trying to stay dry in Florida. No riding for you this weekend; be safe and see you at STAR.
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