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I am Published

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Where are copies of your book available?

Outlaws Justice:
I Self Published, so the books are available directly from me.

The Book is $22 and there is $3 for postage. You can send me a PM if you would like a copy and we can change information and payment arrangements... :trink39:

Outlaws Justice:
Being self published means I have to print in small quantities that I can afford (LOL) but so far so good and I just received the second order of another 100 books. Heading off to Tennessee to present this weekend, Looks like I get to drive through and snow storm!

Outlaws Justice:
The Presentation in Tennessee has cone and gone, now for some feedback, For those that attended, I will not mention any names) Did you find it helpful? Now remember no M.S.U.

Outlaws Justice:

--- Quote from: HawkGTRider on December 23, 2018, 07:40:51 pm ---Where are copies of your book available?

--- End quote ---

I know you got your copy But Great News, my book is now available from Amazon!


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