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Author Topic: Did a thing today....  (Read 41599 times)

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Offline JimRRides

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Re: Did a thing today....
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2019, 12:08:15 am »
A different thing....

Just curious what folks do for riding during the winter. Here in Tennessee we're almost exactly centered between Lake City, Florida and Cleveland, OH as examples of south and north. I know riders in the north have a tough time getting out for a ride while the folks in the south probably LOVE this time of year. In TN we have days that are a good excuse to have a, gulp, car, and other days that almost demand getting the scooter out. Today I had lunch 25 miles away with my sisters, and with temps near 40 and sunny skies, I HAD to ride. The low temps tomorrow and Monday nights are predicted to be in the single digits with possible snow on Tuesday...I'll likely be leaving the bikes alone in the garage.

I've managed to squeeze in about 800 miles so far this month and will rack up a few more tomorrow before the cold front arrives.
How about you?
Re: Winter and Motorcycle Operations

Certain times of the year I become intensely jealous of you Southeasterners. Now is one of those times.

We went through -30 F temps a week ago and we are headed for sub zero temps again. The impossibility of riding a two-wheeler in winter around here should be obvious.

Even gas fueled trucks were freezing up around here. One of my garage doors froze closed. Our bikes and convertible are huddled together on one side of the garage, plugged in to battery maintainers, looking cold and sad.

#polarvortex #evilcold #parkedmotorcyclesyndrome

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Re: Did a thing today....
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2019, 08:58:43 am »
I understand a bit better now why you stuff so many miles into your summers.
Geoffrey Greene
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Offline Patmo

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Re: Did a thing today....
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2019, 11:47:28 am »
It was 63 degrees her two days ago, yesterday it was 59 degrees...but we got 5 inches of rain during that time

Today it’s sunny out....but it’s also 24 degrees.

Spring can’t come soon enough.
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Offline stevegrab

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Re: Did a thing today....
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2019, 12:40:31 pm »
It was 63 degrees her two days ago, yesterday it was 59 degrees...but we got 5 inches of rain during that time

Today it’s sunny out....but it’s also 24 degrees.

Spring can’t come soon enough.
The tease of warm weather really sucks in winter time. Plus for those dealing with lake effect snow it means less frozen water on those big lakes and more snow when it gets cold again.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

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Re: Did a thing today....
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2019, 12:19:13 pm »
I just traded my 2015 CBR500R in for my current touring steed.

It had the same engine and trans as your CB500X. My thoughts on it:

- (Mine) needed +1 tooth on the front sprocket. The engine is torquey enough to handle it in 1st gear. Lots of shifting around town. I often went 1-2-6. Rev through 2nd for a little thrill.

+ GREAT engine. Power everywhere above 3500 RPM, if I recall correctly.

- Transmission was notchy sometimes, even after broken in. In particular, sometimes, it didn't want to downshift below 3rd gear, leading to some frustrated cagers behind me at lights. They've fixed this in the 2nd generation. (2016 and newer)

+ GREAT fuel economy; I got 75 mpg around the suburbs, around 60 on the expressway.

+ GREAT build quality

+ It was really fun to rev through all the gears on this; Can't really do that on a liter bike.

+/- Although it would go 110 mph (I'm told) acceleration is .... gentle above 65 or so.

- Clutch was a bit more effort that it should've been. Yamaha and Kawasaki tiddlers are better in this regard

- Chain gets sticky links early; keep an eye on it. Or just replace it with a D.I.D. when you put the +1T front sprocket on. ;)

- Mine would buzz my hands to sleep around 4k RPM, but at higher RPM it was buttery smooth. That was only an issue when cruising around in 6th gear at lower speeds.

It's been a few months now; how are you liking it?

I wish I had gotten the X, like yours. Insurance would've been cheaper, too.

Offline TrophyRider

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Re: Did a thing today....
« Reply #20 on: May 02, 2019, 11:03:57 pm »
Due to work, cold weather and rain I have gotten to ride it one, yes, ONE, time since I bought it in December. Good news is I have to take at least 5 more weeks of vacation before the end of the year. Insurance was $85 for a year of full coverage. Thoughts so far, ergonomics and handling similar to the Versys, motor not quite as "fun" though.
Jon W Campbell Jr.
2013 Honda CB500X

Offline Smaug

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Re: Did a thing today....
« Reply #21 on: May 02, 2019, 11:28:43 pm »
Due to work, cold weather and rain I have gotten to ride it one, yes, ONE, time since I bought it in December. Good news is I have to take at least 5 more weeks of vacation before the end of the year. Insurance was $85 for a year of full coverage. Thoughts so far, ergonomics and handling similar to the Versys, motor not quite as "fun" though.

One ride in 4 months?!

i don't buy that stuff about work, weather and rain. 4 months is a long time. Hand over your Man Card.  >:(

Offline stevegrab

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Re: Did a thing today....
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2019, 02:14:11 pm »
Due to work, cold weather and rain I have gotten to ride it one, yes, ONE, time since I bought it in December. Good news is I have to take at least 5 more weeks of vacation before the end of the year. Insurance was $85 for a year of full coverage. Thoughts so far, ergonomics and handling similar to the Versys, motor not quite as "fun" though.

One ride in 4 months?!

i don't buy that stuff about work, weather and rain. 4 months is a long time. Hand over your Man Card.  >:(

Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

Offline fartymarty

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Re: Did a thing today....
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2019, 04:20:34 pm »
Insurance was $85 for a year of full coverage.

Dang that's only a few dollars more than I'd pay for simple liability. Either that's a great deal or.....
Flo has her hand too deep in my wallet pocket, and no  >:( , that isn't a good thing!
« Last Edit: May 06, 2019, 04:22:26 pm by fartymarty »
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Offline Patmo

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Re: Did a thing today....
« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2019, 03:56:18 am »
Insurance was $85 for a year of full coverage.

Dang that's only a few dollars more than I'd pay for simple liability. Either that's a great deal or.....
Flo has her hand too deep in my wallet pocket, and no  >:( , that isn't a good thing!

After 10+ years with Pro. Insurance I switched when I tried to add a new Triumph Thruxton, in place of an older Ninja 600, and they quoted me a rate double what I was paying for my FZ6.  I went with Dairyland and saved myself a couple of hundred dollars a year, as the rate for the Thruxton added was only a little higher than my FZ6 price alone, with them.
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Offline TrophyRider

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Re: Did a thing today....
« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2019, 10:04:07 pm »
Insurance was $85 for a year of full coverage.

Dang that's only a few dollars more than I'd pay for simple liability. Either that's a great deal or.....
Flo has her hand too deep in my wallet pocket, and no  >:( , that isn't a good thing!
This is with Progressive. Multi-vehicle discount and excellent driving record help. $75/year is their minimum, regardless if it is liability or full coverage.
Jon W Campbell Jr.
2013 Honda CB500X


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Re: Did a thing today....
« Reply #26 on: May 08, 2019, 08:25:21 am »
Funny how this insurance thing is all over the place. Progressive contacted me and asked why I had 2 policies. They combined them, sent me a refund and lowered my rate on all 4 bikes as compared to the 2 policies. Go figure. The person on the phone didn't sound like Flo at all.
BTW, have ya noticed Flo has been doing a small part on the Goldbergs.

Offline stevegrab

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Re: Did a thing today....
« Reply #27 on: May 10, 2019, 01:09:39 pm »
Insurance was $85 for a year of full coverage.

Dang that's only a few dollars more than I'd pay for simple liability. Either that's a great deal or.....
Flo has her hand too deep in my wallet pocket, and no  >:( , that isn't a good thing!

After 10+ years with Pro. Insurance I switched when I tried to add a new Triumph Thruxton, in place of an older Ninja 600, and they quoted me a rate double what I was paying for my FZ6.  I went with Dairyland and saved myself a couple of hundred dollars a year, as the rate for the Thruxton added was only a little higher than my FZ6 price alone, with them.
State Farm (who I also have home and auto) once told me "we only insure bikes because you have other policies, and the rates are primarily tied to engine size."  Which means a 1200cc cruiser was the same as a Hayabusa, or an FJR. All of which are ridden in different ways mostly by people with different ideas of riding.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

Offline TrophyRider

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Re: Did a thing today....
« Reply #28 on: May 11, 2019, 11:37:33 pm »
Insurance was $85 for a year of full coverage.

Dang that's only a few dollars more than I'd pay for simple liability. Either that's a great deal or.....
Flo has her hand too deep in my wallet pocket, and no  >:( , that isn't a good thing!

After 10+ years with Pro. Insurance I switched when I tried to add a new Triumph Thruxton, in place of an older Ninja 600, and they quoted me a rate double what I was paying for my FZ6.  I went with Dairyland and saved myself a couple of hundred dollars a year, as the rate for the Thruxton added was only a little higher than my FZ6 price alone, with them.
State Farm (who I also have home and auto) once told me "we only insure bikes because you have other policies, and the rates are primarily tied to engine size."  Which means a 1200cc cruiser was the same as a Hayabusa, or an FJR. All of which are ridden in different ways mostly by people with different ideas of riding.
I had full coverage on my Z125 and 650 Vstrom, added the FJR, liability only, and the cost decreased by $45 per year. I'm not sure what the rhyme or reason is to Progressive's pricing policy, but motor size sure isn't it.
Jon W Campbell Jr.
2013 Honda CB500X


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Re: Did a thing today....
« Reply #29 on: May 12, 2019, 08:16:30 am »
Just sold my Triumph Bonneville. So I cancelled it off my policy online. It was $77 to cover it on the policy but the total was only reduced by $30. Hmmmm, it seems the other bikes went up a few $ each under the new senario. The more the merrier I 'suppose. I'll take care of that when I win the raffle bike!


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