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Forum > STAR 2020

STAR 2020...date change!

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Bermuda Ron:

--- Quote from: africord on July 01, 2019, 10:10:02 am ---Don't know if I can make it, but I've ridden the roads there before, and the area is beautiful and should provide excellent riding.

--- End quote ---
Please, tell us more about the riding!


I had a conversation with some of the members in that area and they said that everyone will love the roads.  Not quite as technical as the roads in the Smokies can be, but a little more open with fewer switchbacks.  I’m guessing that they will be more like the roads around Lexington, Ky and around Marietta, Ohio/West Virginia.

doug mcpeek:
The roads in the Mark Twain National Forest area are nothing like those in the Appalachian region.  It is unlike any other area I've found except parts of eastern Arkansas.  Long series of fast sweepers for miles go through rolling hills with very little traffic.  Those roads are why Friends of Freddies was such a popular event, IMHO.  It will be fun.  Just watch out for that right turn at the top of the hill on route K SW of Annapolis.  :-)

I suggest for those that would like to see a different location to work on finding a location of their liking.  If a few people come up with a location and are willing to be the Coordinator of the event, it could possibly happen.  The latest issue of SR on-line in the Member Profile column, Frank said he attended STAR 2008 in the Texas Hill Country.  It was held that year in April due to the possible hot weather in TX.

Now for that type of big change of location and date, it would have to be in the planning of about two years to give everyone enough time to plan vacations, being it is not the traditional dates.

As the Coordinator for La Crosse last year, there is a lot to do to make it happen, and I think a much different date would take more than 1 year.

It would be nice to see groups competing to have STAR held in their area.

So, my suggestion is; check out the area you would like to have STAR, have a group willing to volunteer to help with it, find a good hotel/convention center and send details to the EC.  Make sure you have number of rooms and some prices.  If you are interested in making this happen, contact the EC for more details and suggestions.  I can also give some assistance on the planning and what is required.

Please contact me or the EC by email, not on the forum so that we can keep the possible location confidential, until it is confirmed and announced at STAR.

Great suggestion Carl.


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