Thread Archive > STAR 2020
STAR change!
Stevegrab. Maybe the EAST- WEST was used in the past but recently they added Central and it was supposed to be rotational. If MO is not Central then... I don't know what is. As for "West Coast", it was printed in the Star Review. I remember because I was excited that it may truly be in a west coast state which have some great riding. It turned out to be Colorado Springs, which is of course NOT a west coast state. But...if many members consider it to be on the west coast...let's just say it is.
My point is, if we can't agree on geography lets just get rid of the current system. Maybe it would be best just to use a time zone with a clearly delineated boundary. BTW.. LaCrosse,WI which was a Central location is further west than Cape Girardeau...
How about we just don’t worry about technicalities like what is the rotation, or what is east and what is west and just try to enjoy them as they come? I mean, does it REALLY matter if Missouri is east, west, or central? It’s going to be a great location and a great event no matter how it’s designated. Sheezz....we’re a Motorcycle Club not a debate society, right? Let’s just concentrate on having fun first and let the technicalities take care of themselves.
Now then....
I feel confident that we will have a true western STAR again someday, but exactly when I don’t know. Right now we don’t have the numbers and support necessary to pull it off and make it a success for our membership. Knowing that, I see no reason to hold one just so that we can say that we followed some arbitrary “rule” that was made up when the club was somewhat different than it is today.
When it is in the best interest of the club membership as a whole, and when it can be done with some guarantee of success, I will certainly support one and vote in favor of it. Maybe that will be in 3 years, 4 yours, five years? Who knows? But I’d certainly say that it’s not right now and not next year. In the meantime we will work toward building membership in those areas so that there are people there that can help to make it successful when it does happen. As I stated before, I have personal reasons for wanting to go out west...lots of family to visit....but we choose not based on personal desires and choose based on what we think is best for the membership as a whole.
--- Quote from: tino on June 28, 2019, 01:48:56 pm ---Stevegrab. Maybe the EAST- WEST was used in the past but recently they added Central and it was supposed to be rotational. If MO is not Central then... I don't know what is. As for "West Coast", it was printed in the Star Review. I remember because I was excited that it may truly be in a west coast state which have some great riding. It turned out to be Colorado Springs, which is of course NOT a west coast state. But...if many members consider it to be on the west coast...let's just say it is.
My point is, if we can't agree on geography lets just get rid of the current system. Maybe it would be best just to use a time zone with a clearly delineated boundary. BTW.. LaCrosse,WI which was a Central location is further west than Cape Girardeau...
--- End quote ---
Yes, geographically LaCrosse may be farther west than Cape Gireardeau, but it was and is NOT west of the Mississippi River. And that is what the MSTA has determined to be east/west divider for purposes of STAR. You may not like that, but it is what it is.
Hey fellas, I get it. Not everyone has a grasp of 4th grade geography. Personally, I'll admit I'm not very good a math, but if I say 2 plus 2 equals seven and get a few members to agree to that, I guess we can all feel good about ourselves.
I'll just offer this last suggestion. Since we apparently can't agree on simple geography, why not just say "STAR 2027 will be in______" and fill in the blank. I have enjoyed all the locations where STAR has been held and have every confidence that I will enjoy future STARS. I think Cape Girardeau is a great location. That said, I'm not the one who instituted the EAST CENTRAL,WEST system. If so...I would have stuck to it. If that system is officially scrapped just say so.
Don't know if I can make it, but I've ridden the roads there before, and the area is beautiful and should provide excellent riding.
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