Thread Archive > STAR 2020

STAR change!

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I agree that we should give up the East-Central- West thing.  Especially after the whole "West Coast" debacle of a few years ago. Cape Girardeau is only West of Illinois.

Missouri is considered “west” by many of our members, and “technically” the Cape is on the west side of the Mississippi...thus it is “technically” west. :)

If someone, or some group, wants to put together a serious proposal for a STAR location anywhere, including those in the traditional areas of the “west”, we are all ears.

My PERSONAL desire is that we go to the far west sometime, but that’s just what is good for ME....not necessarily what is good for the club as a whole.   It’s all good and fine for members to verbalize what it is that THEY want, but we need to consider not just their desires, but those of EVERY club member, and especially what is the desire of the majority of the club, along with what is feasible.  We also need to allow members some time to plan if the location is going to be in an area that is not convenient for most members to attend,  it is my personal opinion that the majority of club members need more than just a year (or less) notice in order to palm to attend an event that is several hundred, or even thousands, of miles away, 

Areas in New Mexico, Colorado, Montana, and SD were all considered, and examined, but none that were found meet all of the criteria AND to be affordable at the same time.  We will continue to look, but in the meantime we could use some local help in this endeavor.  Thank you.

As always thanks for your informative feedback Pat.

Sorry Patmo but if any member considers MO to be the western part of the 48, they need a serious geography lesson. the 1700's it WAS considered WEST. Gate City,VA is west of Bristol,VA. Is that a future WEST location? I know it is difficult to find a location that meets all the criteria. ALL I am saying is don't say something in the central part of the country is WEST...OR that Colorado Springs is on the "West Coast".


I've been in HSTA/MSTA for about 20 years, have attended about half the STARs in that time, and I always understood the east-west rotation to be relative to the Mississippi river. Texas was west, so was Colorado, so was Arkansas. Some eastern sites were not very far east like Charleston WV and Lexington KY. 

Regarding Colorado Springs not being west coast, who in the MSTA said it was? It was a western STAR, and it is certainly in the western US. There is more to the east and west than just the coasts. And since our large pockets of members are mostly not on the coasts (Texas, Ohio, NC/TN/VA) with FL being one exception.


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