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Author Topic: STAR 2020...date change!  (Read 75691 times)

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Offline Patmo

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STAR 2020...date change!
« on: June 26, 2019, 06:15:51 am »

Just in case anyone is interested...…

STAR 2020 will be held September 6-9,  2020 in Cape Girardeau, Missouri

Drury Hotel will be the base location
« Last Edit: April 01, 2020, 03:47:45 pm by Patmo »
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Re: STAR 2020
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2019, 06:42:35 am »
Is registration open yet?

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Re: STAR 2020
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2019, 02:40:13 pm »
Is registration open yet?

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You a funny man :)
Steve Grabowski
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Re: STAR 2020
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2019, 03:39:18 pm »
Wasn't 2020 STAR supposed to be held in the West?

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Re: STAR 2020
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2019, 04:16:04 pm »
Wasn't 2020 STAR supposed to be held in the West?
Not sure if we're still doing the east, west, central rotation, or just east/west (like it had been before). Either way pretty sure the "west" was anywhere west of the Mississippi River, and this qualifies.
2016 - Stratton VT (east)
2017 - Colorado Springs CO (west)
2018 - LaCross WI (central)
2019 - Bristol TN (east)
2020 - Cape Girardeau MO (east or central, not west)

Also keep in mind it is increasingly more difficult to have STAR out west if
a) we don't have active members there willing to help
b) we don't have members willing to travel that far from the larger membership bases in the east

Every STAR the EC ask for feedback about the event, and uses that for future STAR. There's also been discussions here (Facebook to I suspect) about where should we have STAR. The STAR surveys have a low return rate, number of people giving feedback here is also very low. They are trying to do what the members want, but need to hear from them.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

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Re: STAR 2020
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2019, 08:56:57 pm »
I agree that we should give up the East-Central- West thing.  Especially after the whole "West Coast" debacle of a few years ago. Cape Girardeau is only West of Illinois.

Offline Patmo

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Re: STAR 2020
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2019, 10:10:58 pm »
Missouri is considered “west” by many of our members, and “technically” the Cape is on the west side of the Mississippi...thus it is “technically” west. :)

If someone, or some group, wants to put together a serious proposal for a STAR location anywhere, including those in the traditional areas of the “west”, we are all ears.

My PERSONAL desire is that we go to the far west sometime, but that’s just what is good for ME....not necessarily what is good for the club as a whole.   It’s all good and fine for members to verbalize what it is that THEY want, but we need to consider not just their desires, but those of EVERY club member, and especially what is the desire of the majority of the club, along with what is feasible.  We also need to allow members some time to plan if the location is going to be in an area that is not convenient for most members to attend,  it is my personal opinion that the majority of club members need more than just a year (or less) notice in order to palm to attend an event that is several hundred, or even thousands, of miles away, 

Areas in New Mexico, Colorado, Montana, and SD were all considered, and examined, but none that were found meet all of the criteria AND to be affordable at the same time.  We will continue to look, but in the meantime we could use some local help in this endeavor.  Thank you.
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Re: STAR 2020
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2019, 10:45:30 am »
As always thanks for your informative feedback Pat.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

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Re: STAR 2020
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2019, 10:49:24 am »
Sorry Patmo but if any member considers MO to be the western part of the 48, they need a serious geography lesson. True...in the 1700's it WAS considered WEST. Gate City,VA is west of Bristol,VA. Is that a future WEST location? I know it is difficult to find a location that meets all the criteria. ALL I am saying is don't say something in the central part of the country is WEST...OR that Colorado Springs is on the "West Coast".


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Re: STAR 2020
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2019, 11:36:32 am »
I've been in HSTA/MSTA for about 20 years, have attended about half the STARs in that time, and I always understood the east-west rotation to be relative to the Mississippi river. Texas was west, so was Colorado, so was Arkansas. Some eastern sites were not very far east like Charleston WV and Lexington KY. 

Regarding Colorado Springs not being west coast, who in the MSTA said it was? It was a western STAR, and it is certainly in the western US. There is more to the east and west than just the coasts. And since our large pockets of members are mostly not on the coasts (Texas, Ohio, NC/TN/VA) with FL being one exception.
Steve Grabowski
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Re: STAR 2020
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2019, 01:48:56 pm »
Stevegrab. Maybe the EAST- WEST was used in the past but recently they added Central and it was supposed to be rotational. If MO is not Central then...  I don't know what is. As for "West Coast", it was printed in the Star Review. I remember because I was excited that it may truly be in a west coast state which have some great riding. It turned out to be Colorado Springs, which is of course NOT a west coast state. But...if many members consider it to be on the west coast...let's just say it is.

My point is, if we can't agree on geography lets just get rid of the current system. Maybe it would be best just to use a time zone with a clearly delineated boundary.  BTW.. LaCrosse,WI which was a Central location is further west than Cape Girardeau...

Offline Patmo

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Re: STAR 2020
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2019, 08:13:39 pm »
How about we just don’t worry about technicalities like what is the rotation, or what is east and what is west and just try to enjoy them as they come?  I mean, does it REALLY matter if Missouri is east, west, or central?  It’s going to be a great location and a great event no matter how it’s designated.  Sheezz....we’re a Motorcycle Club not a debate society, right?  Let’s just concentrate on having fun first and let the technicalities take care of themselves.

Now then....
I feel confident that we will have a true western STAR again someday, but exactly when I don’t know.  Right now we don’t have the numbers and support necessary to pull it off and make it a success for our membership.  Knowing that, I see no reason to hold one  just so that we can say that we followed some arbitrary “rule” that was made up when the club was somewhat different than it is today.

When it is in the best interest of the club membership as a whole, and when it can be done with some guarantee of success, I will certainly support one and vote in favor of it.  Maybe that will be in 3 years, 4 yours, five years?  Who knows?  But I’d certainly say that it’s not right now and not next year.  In the meantime we will work toward building membership in those areas so that there are people there that can help to make it successful when it does happen. As I stated before, I have personal reasons for wanting to go out west...lots of family to visit....but we choose not based on personal desires and choose based on what we think is best for the membership as a whole.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2019, 09:27:53 am by Patmo »
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Re: STAR 2020
« Reply #12 on: June 29, 2019, 11:27:36 am »
Stevegrab. Maybe the EAST- WEST was used in the past but recently they added Central and it was supposed to be rotational. If MO is not Central then...  I don't know what is. As for "West Coast", it was printed in the Star Review. I remember because I was excited that it may truly be in a west coast state which have some great riding. It turned out to be Colorado Springs, which is of course NOT a west coast state. But...if many members consider it to be on the west coast...let's just say it is.

My point is, if we can't agree on geography lets just get rid of the current system. Maybe it would be best just to use a time zone with a clearly delineated boundary.  BTW.. LaCrosse,WI which was a Central location is further west than Cape Girardeau...
Yes, geographically LaCrosse may be farther west than Cape Gireardeau, but it was and is NOT west of the Mississippi River. And that is what the MSTA has determined to be east/west divider for purposes of STAR. You may not like that, but it is what it is.
Rich Grabowski;Jackson, MI; MSTA #12038
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Re: STAR 2020
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2019, 01:01:09 pm »
Hey fellas, I get it. Not everyone has a grasp of 4th grade geography. Personally, I'll admit I'm not very good a math, but if I say 2 plus 2 equals seven and get a few members to agree to that, I guess we can all feel good about ourselves.

I'll just offer this last suggestion. Since we apparently can't agree on simple geography, why not just say "STAR 2027 will be in______" and fill in the blank.  I have enjoyed all the locations where STAR has been held and have every confidence that I will enjoy future STARS. I think Cape Girardeau is a great location. That said, I'm not the one who instituted the EAST CENTRAL,WEST system. If so...I would have stuck to it. If that system is officially scrapped just say so.

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Re: STAR 2020
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2019, 10:10:02 am »
Don't know if I can make it, but I've ridden the roads there before, and the area is beautiful and should provide excellent riding.


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