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Author Topic: Date has been Changed!  (Read 19368 times)

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Offline Patmo

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Date has been Changed!
« on: March 20, 2020, 02:36:07 pm »

The date has been changed to September 6-9,  2020.  All members will get an email outlining the changes and what they need to do in order to get a refund if they need one. 

From the EC....
As of now STAR 2020 is still scheduled for the 1st week in June.  Should it become necessary to cancel or reschedule the event, an announcement will be made.  We should have a determination by sometime in April.  The well-being and health of the members and attendees is the number one concern of all involved in the planning of this event, and the decision will be based on all the information that we have at that time.  It is our sincere hope that the event can go on as planned, and we look forward to seeing everyone there.

The Executive Committee
« Last Edit: April 01, 2020, 03:51:27 pm by Patmo »
not all that wander are lost

Offline GoVFR

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Re: Situation being monitored
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2020, 09:20:57 am »
Thanks, Pat and the EC. Lots of activities and events are being cancelled now. Understood. But let’s see if current efforts stem the spread and allow for some normalcy in June.

I am the last guy to give advice on cyber issues or the workings of the forum, but those who are registered on the MSTA Forum can hit the “NOTIFY” button on this or any of the forum threads and get email notification of future postings.

If you see the “UNNOTIFY” button you should be all set for being notified on that thread.  I think.

IF I AM CORRECT, this is a good means for those of us with plans to attend STAR to get the earliest possible notice of the EC’s decision going forward.

I’m testing this feature now.

MSTA #12407

Offline stevegrab

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Re: Situation being monitored
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2020, 01:12:44 pm »
First regarding STAR, I have a work conference in June that is usually the week before or after STAR, sometimes the same week. Its a similar kind of event, with 200 people or more gathered at a hotel, with various meeting rooms, one large dinner in a banquet room, etc. Different kind of hotel though, and its held downtown Cleveland every year. We have customers and vendors coming from all around. The event hotel (along with several others) have closed down because they have almost no business. Our organizers are monitoring the situation, here in Ohio and across the US. They plan to decide sometime in early April, and I suspect that it will be cancelled, maybe some of it done online, probably not rescheduled as businesses will be very busy throughout 2020 once things return to normal. I am fully prepared for the possibility that STAR is not held in June, and if postponed I will try to attend. With everything else that is going on, and the dire situation in some places it is really a minor thing in life.

Regarding forums and being notified, not sure where that's coming from, I know I mentioned email list vs. forum stuff elsewhere. I am aware of the ability to be notified of threads, but that requires the user pick each of those threads and do the notify thing. If I start a thread about a ride this weekend, somebody else starts one about a ride in 2 weeks, how does a member get notified about all of them. I don't want to derail the thread, but since I felt maybe this was directed at something I mentioned I wanted to clarify.
Steve Grabowski
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Re: Situation being monitored
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2020, 09:26:58 am »
I believe if you click NOTIFY at the board level rather than at the message level you will be notified of all new posts in that board
Also  in your Profile>Modify Profile there is a notifications setting You can toggle on/off that allows you to specify for what and when you get notified.
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Re: Situation being monitored
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2020, 02:51:30 pm »
I believe if you click NOTIFY at the board level rather than at the message level you will be notified of all new posts in that board
Also  in your Profile>Modify Profile there is a notifications setting You can toggle on/off that allows you to specify for what and when you get notified.

Thanks Bob, not sure that I ever tried the notify out that much, maybe I'll look into it some more. As I take a quick look it appears that notify at the topic level (say this thread) will notify me of new posts (that is what the message says where I confirm my choice).  While notify at the a board level, say this STAR 2020 area will only notify me of new topics according to the message.

That could still be beneficial, but rather complex and if all it does is notify me of a new post/topic I still need to connect to the forum to read it. I like how they do personal messages, it emails you the content, but makes it clear you cannot reply to the email to reply to the message.

No tool is perfect, as a software developer for 30+ years I know that.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

Offline GoVFR

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Re: Date has been Changed!
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2020, 08:44:12 am »
Bob, Steve,

This is an interesting discussion about the Notify tool.
Perhaps this should be moved to separate thread- something I have no idea how to do.
But I see Pat was able to change “Situation being monitored” to “Date Has Been Changed”  Even so, I was notified by email under the Re “Situation being Monitored”

I think I activated the Notify button on the Star 2020 topic thinking that would be the thread that would notify me of any change of plans. But it seems that there must be some consistency by the poster to keep the topic title the same??  And some way to spin off a new thread and leave a “crumb” for later readers to follow - such as moving this Notify tool discussion to a separate thread, topic, or whatever it is.
Thanks for the info and expertise.
MSTA #12407


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