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Author Topic: TWISTAR Registration is now OPEN  (Read 19595 times)

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Offline PolyJohn

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TWISTAR Registration is now OPEN
« on: June 08, 2020, 04:29:09 pm »
Registration for TwiStar 2020 is now open!!


Many riders from the Midwest will remember the “original” regional MSTA event known as “The WIsconsin Sport Touring Association Rendezvous” that was first organized by the Honda Sport Touring Association.  The  TWISTAR event was held annually from 1994 until 2015.  For most of it's  run,TWISTAR typically happened in mid to late May and the host hotel was  usually centered somewhere in or near Spring Green, WI, birthplace of  the famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright.  Occasionally, TWISTAR was held  in the neighboring towns of Reedsburg or Richland Center, both of which  are near the popular and scenic travel destination hot spot known as the  Wisconsin Dells.

Due to the success of the MSTA's annual national event - STAR 2018,  TWISTAR 2.0 was brought back again for 2019 and will continue in 2020.   The event will be held from August 7th-9th and we will be returning to  the LaCrosse area due to the abundance of twisty road and scenic views  that the South Western part of Wisconsin provides. There are over 800  miles of twisty roads in the area to be exact!!  The region is commonly  referred to as “The Driftless Area” because of the rugged rock  formations and the topography that flows along the Mighty Mississippi  River valley. While the “who, when and where” may occasionally change,  the “why” will always remain the same and will echo MSTA's motto: Great Riders! Great Roads!! Join Us!!!

We have plenty of rooms blocked for MSTA members and guests at the Stoney Creek Resort. They have given us a group rate of $119 + tax for the nights of August 7th until August 9th. Room rate also includes  breakfast, use of a meeting room, bike wash station, rags, etc.  The  resort is holding 20 rooms under the “MSTA” group until the date of  Friday, July 5th 2020.  After that time, any available rooms will then  be opened to the general public.  You must call the hotel to reserve a  room at 800-659-2220 or 608-781-3060. Mention “MSTA” for the group rate.

 For those that are a little more adventurous, we have also reserved  several camping and RV spots at the following campground. Mention “MSTA”  for group rates. Neshonoc Lakeside Camping Resort N5334 Neshonoc Road, West Salem, WI 54669 Call 608-786-1792 There will probably be a large group of Early Bird riders showing up on  Thursday, August 6th to take advantage of the riding opportunities that  will be available again on both Friday and Saturday.  There will be a  group picture of all riders in attendance as well as a group dinner on  Saturday night that will be held at a nearby restaurant or campground  with closing ceremonies to follow.  After Sunday's breakfast, riders  will depart for their journeys back home. On site registration will be at the Stoney Creek Resort lobby during the following hours:

Thursday, August 6th from 4pm-6pm
Friday, August 7th from 8am-9am and 4pm-6pm
Saturday, August 9th from 8am-9am
Once again, Dale Hoke of  Driftless Road Adventures and Chad Berger of the Trans-Wisconsin  Adventure Trail will be assistimg with and developing custom routes for  both days.  Routes will be both on road as well as off road.  Many of  the routes used for STAR 2018 are also available for download via the  MSTA website.  Additional routes can also be found at the DRA or TWT  websites.  Please be advised that some of the routes mentioned may be  challenging and complex.  Come prepared with a GPS capable of uploading  routes or make sure you have someone to ride with who uses one.  Printed  maps will be available upon request.

For any new riders who would like to be paired with an experienced rider or for any experienced  riders who would like to act as mentors or MSTA ambassadors, be sure to  mention this in the registration notes or when arriving at the TwiStar  event.  Also mention if you will need on-site assistance to help with  downloading GPS routes.  If you cannot make the registration times or if  you have any questions and/or concerns, please contact the event  organizer via phone or email. msta.midwest@gmail.com In addition to the Stoney Creek Resort and the Neshonoc Lakeside Camping  Resort, there are several additional hotels and campgrounds in the  surrounding LaCrosse area as well as many restaurants, gas stations and  other points of interest.  At this time, MSTA will be the only  motorcycle group staying at the Stoney Creek Resort and Neshonoc  Lakeside Camping Resort.

Offline qman8

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Re: TWISTAR Registration is now OPEN
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2020, 11:55:00 am »
Anyone heading up from the Ohio area?  I'm planning to leave From my home in New Philadelphia on Aug 5, and find 2 campsites along the way for Wednesday and Thursday nights.

Offline HawkGTRider

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Re: TWISTAR Registration is now OPEN
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2020, 10:05:15 pm »
Here's wishing the folks attending TwiSTAR this weekend a most excellent time. I wish I could be there myself, but alas, it just wasn't in the cards this time around.

If they do a Ride For Kids fund/awareness raising, please be generous. Just because we are riding less doesn't diminish childhood cancers' continuing devastation. The RFK is still funding international research and assisting families of children undergoing brain tumor treatments.

Geoffrey Greene
MSTA Ride For Kids Coordinator (retired), MSTA Secretary (retired), TN-STAR (retired), Tri-STAR Coordinator (retired)
Difficult roads may lead to beautiful destinations.


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