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Author Topic: 2020 weather forecast and update  (Read 13840 times)

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2020 weather forecast and update
« on: July 08, 2020, 07:56:12 am »
So here it is Wednesday and I know that many of us plan to be there tomorrow.  Right now we have 31 people preregistered and I expect a few will register on-site and a few will no show.

The weather looks like typical southern summer weather...hot, humid, and some rain as possibility

Thursday is calling for scattered showers.

Friday is calling for more widespread showers as a cool front moves down from the north.  Expect to see some heavy rain in the afternoon and evening.  Possibly even some thunder and lightning.

Saturday may start off with a few leftover showers early in the morning, but the cold front will reduce the humidity and the later morning and afternoon should be pretty nice and sunny.

Sunday should be a very pleasant day.

No guarantees of course, but this is a typical weather pattern for this time of year in central/eastern Kentucky.  Most of these storms are the pop up kind where it rains cats and dogs for 15 minutes-1/2 hour and then it either dries up or moves on. Standing water and flash floods can happen, especially in low lying areas.  But overall it should be pretty nice, especially in the mornings. 
not all that wander are lost


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