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Author Topic: RCR Update - Indiana Now Requires Masks To Be Worn  (Read 9216 times)

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Offline willb

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RCR Update - Indiana Now Requires Masks To Be Worn
« on: July 26, 2020, 05:51:18 pm »

Hi all,
Here's an update I sent to those who registered for RCR.

Thanks for registering for River City Ride 2020. It's great to be able to continue the 31-year history of good friends and great roads in the Ohio River valley. The event has changed many times over the years, and this year it'll be a combination of tradition and change.
Clearly we will need to change some of the arrangements to stay safe during the Covid-19 situation. One major recent change is that the Indiana governor has put in place a mask mandate which will be in place for the event (even though there are questions enforcement of the mandate). The main rule is as follows:-Masks must be worn by anyone over the age of eight when in indoor spaces, using public transportation or outside when you're not socially or physically distanced from someone who isn't in your household.  Please bring your own masks with you to wear when required.
Attendees are asked to be careful to not bring Covid-19 with them to the event! Be careful prior to arriving, and if you are feeling unwell please cancel your plans and your registration will be refunded.
As previously mentioned, on site evening meals were canceled this year and fees reduced accordingly.
The Holiday Inn Express is looking forward to welcoming us. They are now providing the traditional full hot breakfast, served by their staff cafeteria style. They have reopened their dining area, with distancing between tables.
There are several good restaurants close to the Holiday Inn. A list of them will be provided at the event.
All on site event activities including registration will be held outdoors, weather permitting. The Holiday Inn Express parking lot provides a great opportunity for outdoor socializing with appropriate distancing. Canopies and chairs will be provided, to encourage outdoor gatherings in a scattered arrangement. We will provide coolers, with water and sodas, and some prepackaged snacks.

GPS Routes, both for this year and past years, will be posted in a few days.
See you in a few days!


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