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Author Topic: MOAB-Possible Closure!!!  (Read 8467 times)

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Offline PYG RYDR

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MOAB-Possible Closure!!!
« on: April 20, 2021, 04:51:24 pm »
This from Slavens Racing on possible closure of MOAB to motorized vehicles!

Hello Fellow Off-Road Enthusiast:

Once again our trails are under attack! I've been enjoying the Moab area for more than 40 years and I'm very angry at this latest attempt by elitist, self-entitled tree huggers to block motorized access to this area. The Moab area is a gem that can never be duplicated or replaced and should remain open to all types of motorized use. We contribute millions of dollars annually to the Moab area economy via the consumption of fuel, maintenance, food and lodging and our exit will devastate the local economy.

Please use the link below to provide a polite, unemotional comment that expresses your concerns. Threats, curse words and emotional comments will not promote our cause.

Please send in your comment NOW! Time is of the essence. Comments must be submitted by this coming Monday, April 26th.

Talking points for your comment submission:

    Our positive financial impact on the local economy
    Our volunteer work to build new trail systems
    Our volunteer work to maintain and improve jeep roads, ATV and MC trails
    Our financial contribution to the area trails via purchasing off-road stickers - millions of dollars annually - hikers and bicycle riders contribute nothing
    Our right as taxpayers to use public land
    How you, your family and friends use and enjoy the area


Jeff Slavens

Motorized off-road enthusiast,

Our trails in Moab are being threatened! Southwest Utah Wilderness Alliance is trying to shutdown 330,000 acres of motorized recreation access in the Labyrinth Rims/Gemini Bridge Special Recreation Area outside of Moab. This includes every trail west of Highway 191 and north of town to the interstate. Affected trails include: Gemini Bridges, Rusty Nail, Golden Spike, Gold Bar Rim, Golden Crack, Poison Spider, Monitor & Merimac, Seven Mile Rim, Bull Canyon, White Wash Dunes, 10 Mile Canyon, Bartlett, Tusher, Determination Towers, Mashed Potatoes, Secret Spire, Dubinky, 3D, Dead Cow, The Tubes, and all the atv/single-track surrounding the dunes.

Make your voice heard! Visit https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2001224/510 . Click the green box on the left that says "Participate Now" and then click on the green box on the right that says "Participate Now". Follow the submission process and urge the BLM to keep this wonderful area open. Submissions are open until 4/26/21. Please feel free to share this link to anyone who enjoys riding in the beauty that is Moab!

Slavens Racing

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