Regional Forums > Central

MSTA member trip to Calfornia

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Nice trip Bob! Y’all took what 12 days?
Looks like fun!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

13 Days for me and Kevin. Scott and Chris got home in 12. Tony ran an extra day visiting his sister in Texas.

This is pretty cool. I uploaded my track to gpsvisualizer and got this HTML map. Ignore the google api key message and select open topo or any non google map up at the upper right corner

OK, so I noticed the map quit displaying. Further reading on the gpsvisualizer site says the display is only TEMPORARY!
Here is a screenshot of what it looked like:

Looks like a very cool trip. I did a little riding in SoCal area when I went out once and was attending races with my brothers. A local ride or two to get comfortable with the bike I was borrowing. Didn't ride any of the great roads I was familiar with from stories of family and friends (Angeles Crest, Mulholland) but did enjoy some fun stuff including a short blast along the beach. Would like to go back some day...

As far as the roads, I remember the first time I took my brother Richard on VA 16 near Hungry Mother Park, and he said it was as good as anything he had ridden back in CA. In a couple of weeks I'll get to see what he thinks of Deal's Gap, Cherahola and the other fun roads of that area.


--- Quote from: stevegrab on May 16, 2022, 03:01:24 pm ---Looks like a very cool trip. I did a little riding in SoCal area when I went out once and was attending races with my brothers. A local ride or two to get comfortable with the bike I was borrowing. Didn't ride any of the great roads I was familiar with from stories of family and friends (Angeles Crest, Mulholland) but did enjoy some fun stuff including a short blast along the beach. Would like to go back some day...

As far as the roads, I remember the first time I took my brother Richard on VA 16 near Hungry Mother Park, and he said it was as good as anything he had ridden back in CA. In a couple of weeks I'll get to see what he thinks of Deal's Gap, Cherahola and the other fun roads of that area.

--- End quote ---

I look forward to seeing you both in Sparta, too! I'll admit to being a bit spoiled...Deal's Gap and the Cherohala could be everyday rides for me. But with so many other cool roads that don't have nicknames and such, I just point my nose in a direction and start having fun.


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