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MSTA member trip to Calfornia

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--- Quote from: HawkGTRider on May 17, 2022, 12:24:47 am ---
--- Quote from: stevegrab on May 16, 2022, 03:01:24 pm ---Looks like a very cool trip. I did a little riding in SoCal area when I went out once and was attending races with my brothers. A local ride or two to get comfortable with the bike I was borrowing. Didn't ride any of the great roads I was familiar with from stories of family and friends (Angeles Crest, Mulholland) but did enjoy some fun stuff including a short blast along the beach. Would like to go back some day...

As far as the roads, I remember the first time I took my brother Richard on VA 16 near Hungry Mother Park, and he said it was as good as anything he had ridden back in CA. In a couple of weeks I'll get to see what he thinks of Deal's Gap, Cherahola and the other fun roads of that area.

--- End quote ---

I look forward to seeing you both in Sparta, too! I'll admit to being a bit spoiled...Deal's Gap and the Cherohala could be everyday rides for me. But with so many other cool roads that don't have nicknames and such, I just point my nose in a direction and start having fun.

--- End quote ---
See you in about 10 days Geoffrey.

I will be looking for some tips on the roads we should ride while in the area of the Gap, we plan to have 3 days. It has been a while since I've been there, but these are on my must ride list, probably some of them multiple times US129, NC28, Cherohala, Foothills Parkway. I remember a loop from Helen that we did, which included TN68 south into GA.

I also use the motorcycleroads.com web site when looking for good roads, but know that with people like you, Pippen, Brick and others that isn't as useful.


--- Quote from: stevegrab on May 18, 2022, 01:34:42 pm ---I will be looking for some tips on the roads we should ride while in the area of the Gap, we plan to have 3 days. It has been a while since I've been there, but these are on my must ride list, probably some of them multiple times US129, NC28, Cherohala, Foothills Parkway. I remember a loop from Helen that we did, which included TN68 south into GA.

I also use the motorcycleroads.com web site when looking for good roads, but know that with people like you, Pippen, Brick and others that isn't as useful.

--- End quote ---
IMHO NC 28 south off of NC 19 down to Franklin, NC is part of the Moonshiner Highway and it has been recently repaved and is Awesome!!
My recommendation.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


--- Quote from: Brick on May 18, 2022, 02:09:25 pm ---
--- Quote from: stevegrab on May 18, 2022, 01:34:42 pm ---I will be looking for some tips on the roads we should ride while in the area of the Gap, we plan to have 3 days. It has been a while since I've been there, but these are on my must ride list, probably some of them multiple times US129, NC28, Cherohala, Foothills Parkway. I remember a loop from Helen that we did, which included TN68 south into GA.

I also use the motorcycleroads.com web site when looking for good roads, but know that with people like you, Pippen, Brick and others that isn't as useful.

--- End quote ---
IMHO NC 28 south off of NC 19 down to Franklin, NC is part of the Moonshiner Highway and it has been recently replaced and is Awesome!!
My recommendation.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

--- End quote ---
Thank you Brick.  I recall riding that road, I think it was the piece south of US74 (OK that's the NC19 you mentioned) that was really twisty. Something we would do while at Helen rally. I also recall visiting Cashiers and Highlands in  NC, and some waterfall in that area (that you can drive under). Not sure if those all fit, with a home base of Robbinsville.

You used to be able to drive under Bridal Veil Falls, but it's sort of blocked off these days. You could still do it, but others might frown when you rode around the barriers. NC28 between US19/US74 and Franklin gets a thumbs up from me too. Coming out of the other end of Franklin is the Wayah Road...another spectacular twisty road. Sweet!


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