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Author Topic: Late-breaking News  (Read 16436 times)

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Offline Shoop

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Late-breaking News
« on: May 11, 2022, 03:18:56 pm »
The resort is still offering us rooms at the group rate. $99/night for lodge rooms and $303/night for 4 BR cabins. Be certain to mention that you are with the MSTA group.

At present, we appear to have about 70 people planning to attend. Not everybody who reserved a room or cabin has signed up using the PlanetReg website. There are 46 people registered though that system.

Chris Shoop: Parkersburg WV
2023 Pan America, 2020 MT09, 2016 FJR, 2005 WR450

Offline stevegrab

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Re: Late-breaking News
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2022, 01:00:33 pm »
There may be some confusion on the event and the need for registration. Our JFFs (Just For Fun) events don't normally have a registration process, since there is no fee or formal registration, or requirement to even be an MSTA member.

That may explain why some who have reserved rooms have not registered.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

Offline Patmo

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Re: Late-breaking News
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2022, 05:47:57 pm »
There may be some confusion on the event and the need for registration. Our JFFs (Just For Fun) events don't normally have a registration process, since there is no fee or formal registration, or requirement to even be an MSTA member.

That may explain why some who have reserved rooms have not registered.

We encourage registration even for JFF events for a few main reasons:
1) it gives the coordinator a handle on HOW MANY people might be attending, which helps them to know how much water to purchase (if any) or how much space might but needed for a riders meeting
2) it gives everyone an opportunity it’s to sign a waiver….which should be done BEFORE any routes are given out
3) someone that actually registers is more likely to actually show up

It’s not required, but there are reasons to do it.
not all that wander are lost

Offline stevegrab

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Re: Late-breaking News
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2022, 01:44:08 pm »
There may be some confusion on the event and the need for registration. Our JFFs (Just For Fun) events don't normally have a registration process, since there is no fee or formal registration, or requirement to even be an MSTA member.

That may explain why some who have reserved rooms have not registered.

We encourage registration even for JFF events for a few main reasons:
1) it gives the coordinator a handle on HOW MANY people might be attending, which helps them to know how much water to purchase (if any) or how much space might but needed for a riders meeting
2) it gives everyone an opportunity it’s to sign a waiver….which should be done BEFORE any routes are given out
3) someone that actually registers is more likely to actually show up

It’s not required, but there are reasons to do it.

Thanks for the additional information Pat, that makes sense. I was just pointing out that people will see "JFF event" and reserve a room without considering there is a registration process, since there often isn't one. Or maybe I'm out of touch with how most JFF events are run, I admit I haven't done many that recently (FCR last year I think, not sure I've done many others).

But I was preparing to attend Tri-STAR this year and made a note to register, then looked at the page for the event, which said no registration, which is how I remember JFF events being done. Then I saw this discussion and offered my feedback.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

Offline Patmo

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Re: Late-breaking News
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2022, 02:08:08 pm »
It’s left up to each coordinator.  Some do, some don’t.

More and more of our rallies are becoming just for fun rallies because of how easy they are to do. All the fun, a lot less of the work.  Registration at JFF events is something we just introduced in the last couple of years. The PlanetReg software makes is basically free for events where no fee is charged, and it’s really easy to set up.
not all that wander are lost


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