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Author Topic: Motel rooms in/near Robbinsville NC  (Read 17011 times)

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Offline stevegrab

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Motel rooms in/near Robbinsville NC
« on: May 16, 2022, 02:44:07 pm »
I am planning to take a trip to the Deal's Gap area after Tri-STAR and am looking at motel options. I will be arriving there for Monday night (Memorial Day) and hoping things are not too booked up already. I've stated at the San-Ran Motel once, and know the main chain motel there is a Microtel. I've also stayed in Townsend once at Dock's.  Both that and San-Ran were a bit more rustic, and that was 10 years ago or more.

Anybody been at any of those places recently and have feedback. Or suggestions on other places in the area, particularly the many cool places specifically suited to motorcycles. My brother mentioned the Dragon Racer's Camp (https://dragonracerscamp.com/) which looks cool, but kind of small and not well suited to older guys that need the bathroom frequently at night. :)
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

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Re: Motel rooms in/near Robbinsville NC
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2022, 04:07:48 pm »
Four Seasons Inn in Maggie Valley about 60 miles East is a great place.
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Re: Motel rooms in/near Robbinsville NC
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2022, 06:49:44 pm »
A few of us stayed in the Two Wheeled Inn, Robbinsville after the STAR in Bristol.  I highly recommend it.  Clean, quiet, cheap, and garages to park the bikes in.  Restaurant next door.
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Re: Motel rooms in/near Robbinsville NC
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2022, 08:19:35 pm »
A few of us stayed in the Two Wheeled Inn, Robbinsville after the STAR in Bristol.  I highly recommend it.  Clean, quiet, cheap, and garages to park the bikes in.  Restaurant next door.

I'll second that motion, it's a cool place. Not fancy Nancy but that garage seals the deal. Going to Helen last month the restaurant wasn't open on a Thursday night and not sure if it's in operation at this time. However, it was GREAT when we were there.  It's right on 129.  TM

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Re: Motel rooms in/near Robbinsville NC
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2022, 12:19:00 am »
The Iron Horse Motorcycle Lodge and Resort has a variety of room accommodations including camping, camping bunk houses, camping cabins, motel-like rooms, and fully furnished cabins. We had an non-event there 7-8 years ago and my wife and I stayed in one of the motel-like rooms. It was just fine and the atmosphere was terrific.

Geoffrey Greene
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Re: Motel rooms in/near Robbinsville NC
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2022, 01:12:04 pm »
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I was just looking on Google again, and it shows the Microtel in Robbinsville as "permanently closed".  Confirmed on Wyndam hotels site, no location in Robbinsville. Ok looks like it is now a Quality Inn. Holy Cow $175/night (inc tax with AAA or MSTA group discount) for 2 beds, that's steep.

I am really focused on Robbinsville and points west/north of there for my lodging, based on the roads I want to ride, and the other trip details already in place. The Four Seasons in Maggie Valley is probably not a good fit, but other suggestions may work.

Starting look at the smaller places in Robbinsville, and may also look at Townsend.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

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Re: Motel rooms in/near Robbinsville NC
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2022, 06:12:46 pm »
Also look at Bryson City. We stayed at the Rosewood Inn about 5 years ago and i would stay there again. Bryson City also has microtel, sleep inn, and others.

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Re: Motel rooms in/near Robbinsville NC
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2022, 06:38:12 pm »
I just booked a room at San Ran Motel in Robbinsville, I stayed their once before, just around the corner from the Quality (formerly Microtel) for $105 including tax. I may still check a few other places, the Two Wheel Inn looks interesting, and while the restaurant does appear to be closed its only about 3 miles back into town where there are many options.

I'm focused on Robbinsville since it puts us closer for our return ride to Ohio on the east side of the Smokies (after riding thru the Gap first thing in the morning). I did Townsend once, but then we went home thru Seiverville and that was a zoo. Still working on that part of the trip, may skirt Knoxville instead and just deal with the slab for a bit. (I've traveled thru Knoxville on the interstate by car and know it can be hectic.)

Thanks again to all those in this club that are willing to help others. I'll be picking more brains at Tri-STAR. We have 2 days to get home and prefer back roads to slabbing, unless that is required.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

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Re: Motel rooms in/near Robbinsville NC
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2022, 07:32:40 pm »
From what I’ve been told, there has been repaving happening on the old part of the Foothills Parkway.  However, that might be done by now.  The newer section is well worth riding too!

I’ll see you at TRISTAR and can show you a good way to get around Gatlinburg and all the crap north of it on 441 and 66.

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Re: Motel rooms in/near Robbinsville NC
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2022, 09:07:29 am »
From what I’ve been told, there has been repaving happening on the old part of the Foothills Parkway.  However, that might be done by now.  The newer section is well worth riding too!

I’ll see you at TRISTAR and can show you a good way to get around Gatlinburg and all the crap north of it on 441 and 66.

Thanks Pat. I was wondering about the new section of Foothills.

Another general question I have for those who know the area is a route from Sparta to Robbinsville. That ride will be on Memorial Day, and my first thought was Blue Ridge Parkway is an easy to follow route, without the cities and such. But being the holiday, I wonder if it may be very crowded. And of course we probably need to exit to civilization for gas and maybe lunch. I know there are better roads, but BRP is one of those iconic rides, and my brother has never ridden a large portion of it at once, and I recall the lower half being some of the best. A quick route using mostly BRP (from NC18 to southern end) is about 280 miles.

But for some reason, the BRP puts me to sleep the last few times I've ridden stretches, but early on in my riding life I really enjoyed it, and one of my first big trips was an attempt to ride the BRP from one end to the other. I think its the more moderate pace of winding curves, and the lack of towns and other things to break up the flow.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

Offline Patmo

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Re: Motel rooms in/near Robbinsville NC
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2022, 09:19:48 am »
Steve, I checked on the repaving of the Foothills Parkway and it will be going on until NEXT May, 2023.  There will be lane closures but still passable. 

The BRP will be slow going by mid-day, especially around Asheville.  Probably a fair amount of Ranger patrols too. 
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Re: Motel rooms in/near Robbinsville NC
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2022, 10:58:12 am »
Steve, I checked on the repaving of the Foothills Parkway and it will be going on until NEXT May, 2023.  There will be lane closures but still passable. 

The BRP will be slow going by mid-day, especially around Asheville.  Probably a fair amount of Ranger patrols too. 
Thanks I was looking at this web site after you mentioned the Foothills Parkway paving

Looks like it may be open on our first day to ride the area, Tue 5-31 with paving stopping for a bit over Memorial Day weekend then resuming on Wed June 1. If not and we have to skip it that won't be horrible. But glad I did not end up booking a room in Townsend, since it isn't as convenient to other roads with Foothills Pkwy closed.

It being closed when we leave Robbinsville may impact my desired route, and instead we may head up thru Maryville since we cannot get to Townsend without some detours.

Either way, thanks to all providing input. I will be sure to talk to some of you at Tri-STAR and get more tips.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

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Re: Motel rooms in/near Robbinsville NC
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2022, 11:53:06 am »
Thanks again to everybody who offered help here, or directly at Tri-STAR. My brother and I had a great trip and a very fun 3 days riding around the Deal's Gap area. The San Ran Motel in Robbinsville worked very well for us. The first night (Memorial Day) only fast food options were open but fried chicken dinners from the Ingles grocery store were good and a bargain. El Pacifico Mexican restaurant fulfilled our needs the other night. The manager/owner at the motel was pretty friendly, and usually around in the morning if we needed things. He told us to come back and I told him its a place I recommend to others. The various other riders that were there offered some interesting people to talk with most evenings.

Our highlight ride was a full day that included 28 (AKA Moonshiner 28) from near the hotel all the way to Walhalla SC, Warwoman Rd, Wayah Rd and GA246/NC106 thru Sky Valley & Scaly Mtn. We also did the Cherohala and Gap several times, and made a trip to the Fontana Dam visitor center, which I've never been to in my handful of trips in the area. As well as a visit to Bald River Falls and rides past some pretty cool places.

This entire trip I think we had 3 meals in chain establishments (twice McD breakfast in Robbinsville) and just one night at a chain motel on our ride home. We found some new places to eat, and returned to a couple places that had changed ownership since I last visited.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

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Re: Motel rooms in/near Robbinsville NC
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2022, 11:26:13 am »
Thanks again to everybody who offered help here, or directly at Tri-STAR. My brother and I had a great trip and a very fun 3 days riding around the Deal's Gap area. The San Ran Motel in Robbinsville worked very well for us. The first night (Memorial Day) only fast food options were open but fried chicken dinners from the Ingles grocery store were good and a bargain. El Pacifico Mexican restaurant fulfilled our needs the other night. The manager/owner at the motel was pretty friendly, and usually around in the morning if we needed things. He told us to come back and I told him its a place I recommend to others. The various other riders that were there offered some interesting people to talk with most evenings.

Our highlight ride was a full day that included 28 (AKA Moonshiner 28) from near the hotel all the way to Walhalla SC, Warwoman Rd, Wayah Rd and GA246/NC106 thru Sky Valley & Scaly Mtn. We also did the Cherohala and Gap several times, and made a trip to the Fontana Dam visitor center, which I've never been to in my handful of trips in the area. As well as a visit to Bald River Falls and rides past some pretty cool places.

This entire trip I think we had 3 meals in chain establishments (twice McD breakfast in Robbinsville) and just one night at a chain motel on our ride home. We found some new places to eat, and returned to a couple places that had changed ownership since I last visited.
I completely concur with the above information. This was once again, a very fun and memorable trip with MSTA folks and then my brother. I logged a total of 2,807 miles and that memorable ride (Moonshiner 28 and the rest) was a blast - even when the tractor-trailer rig came around the corner in our lane; quick and timely reactions by Steve prevented what was likely a very serious crash. We lived to talk about it, and enjoyed many more days of riding. Now, where we going next???
Rich Grabowski;Jackson, MI; MSTA #12038
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Re: Motel rooms in/near Robbinsville NC
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2022, 05:00:42 pm »
Now, where we going next???

Missouri...here we come!!
Geoffrey Greene
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