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Forum > STAR 2022 Cape Girardeau, Missouri

Get yourself tested...

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I am really sorry to have to make such a confession, but after getting home today from MO and feeling like I had a slight fever, I took one of the home COVID tests. Alas, it came up positive. My wife also tested and was negative. She's going to stay with friends for a few days while I sit here all alone.

Like many of us at STAR, we were chatting up each other pretty good. I'd hate to think that we were a "super spreader" group, but I didn't see but a small handful of folks masked up. If you start to feel a bit wonky, get tested and then quarantine if needed.

I'll get a professional test tomorrow, but frankly, I doubt the results will be any different.

Dang!! Double Dang!!

For the record I've been double inoculated and boosted. When many of my friends around here were getting sick, I've cruised right through until now.

Well, funny you mention that. My roommate Dale Hall also tested positive. When he started to feel bad I got another room and he isolated himself. I got him a test kit and he tested +. He is still at the hotel really feeling bad and not doing well, he will wait a few days before trying to ride home. I tested myself when I got home and am -. I will test again tomorrow.  So there ya having folks, it ain't over til it's over!!!   TM

Yikes!  Guess I better get tested since I was around you guys, and so many more.

Sorry to hear this news. Hope all who test positive recuperate fully and quickly.

I just got a message from John Henry, HUBraking and he also tested positive when he got home but is feeling good. Robert test negative. They talked to many MSTA Members, so we better pass the word to get tested.

We just completed our tests, and we tested negative for Covid.


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