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Author Topic: STAR attendees….question  (Read 25244 times)

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STAR attendees….question
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2022, 12:36:02 pm »
It looks like you have given this a lot of thought, Pat.

This year’s STAR we had a little over 200 in attendance. While this STAR and most past STAR events get excellent reviews by those that attend, there must be a reason why the other 80% of our members are not going. I’m certain there are many reasons why we don’t get a higher member turnout but perhaps it could be the time of year?

Didn’t Einstein have a saying about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? -JEP-

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« Last Edit: August 08, 2022, 12:39:50 pm by RIDEMYST »

Offline Paco Bulto

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Re: STAR attendees….question
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2022, 02:39:49 pm »
When I first joined the HSTA in 1993 and got to know members from all over the USA, I was surprised to learn from some of our Texas members that our prime riding season in the Midwest, summer, was a time when they rode very little due to the heat. Well, over the years, it looks like we are experiencing the same in our part of the country. My street bike and dual sport bike have gotten very little use this summer, as I have found that riding all day in 90+ degree heat is not something that I enjoy.

We had over 20 last minute cancellations at the STAR hotel this year, due to the weather forecast, so that accounted for about 40 less attendees. While daily weather can change, the overall trend is toward warmer summers. It appears that many aspects of our lives will have to adapt if we want them to continue.

It's a good thing that climate change is a hoax, or else it would be really hot. :-)

Offline Larry Fine

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Re: STAR attendees….question
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2022, 05:04:38 pm »
While this STAR and most past STAR events get excellent reviews by those that attend, there must be a reason why the other 80% of our members are not going.
I just gave a why-not response in the why-not thread, if that helps.

Offline Ride4MS

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Re: STAR attendees….question
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2022, 05:53:01 pm »
In reference to part of Pat's comments about other events. In 2020 when STAR was changed to September, I suggested for riders to head to Bull Shoals Rally, after STAR, and two days later, which was  about 230 miles west of Cape G. at Theodosia, MO. Not that it was the most perfect option, but it was an option for those riders that had the time, and had never been to that part of the country.
As it turned out, STAR 2020 was canceled, so we do not know how many would have gone to both rallies.
I think it is very hard to have a perfect situation, but we need to look at what most of the members prefer, especially those that attend rallies, STAR and Just For Fun.
At this years STAR, it was asked for a show of hands for age groups. It looked like the big majority was 60+ years old. It seems to me that many years ago, I read in SR that the average age of the club member was 57 years old. And it also stated that the average is rising every year.
Here is the big question, how do we get the younger generation, that have children at home yet, to join MSTA and attend rallies??
If I think of ourselves, being a member since 2003, and attended our first STAR in 2015 at Springdale, AR. All those years we did not know what we were missing until we attended the first STAR. We also were too busy to attend as I always had a conflict also.  Now we make changes so that we don't have conflicts and can go to STAR and enjoy that Fantastic Rally and Friends!
« Last Edit: August 08, 2022, 06:17:15 pm by Ride4MS »
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Re: STAR attendees….question
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2022, 08:11:36 am »
I'm with ya Patmo. We don't HAVE to but OUGHT to try something. There are many factors that make the decision on going to STAR or not in a given year. Many of them from OUTSIDE the club and bikin' world. We changed the name of the club didn't we?, with the intention of the better good. We didn't change the spirit of the whole thing, just the perception and attitude from the outside.

A change of dates might not happen because of other bookings at given places, locations, hotels and we end up near the same old date. But ya gotta give it a shot. I say change the bylaw, try to change the date for a year and see what we can do. Be open people!!  That is all.   TM


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