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Author Topic: 2023 Rally Schedule  (Read 8387 times)

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2023 Rally Schedule
« on: December 26, 2022, 10:17:04 am »
Here are al of the rallies that we have scheduled as of 12/26/22.  If you look further down in this forum you will see the separate sub-forums for all of these events. The information can also be found on the WEBSITE Calendar.  A BIG THANKS to Norm Kern for putting this all together in an easy to copy and paste format.

google calendar MSTA event entries 2023

Event name: North Georgia Classic Rally

Event Type: JFF ROAD ADV

When: April 21-23, 2023

Where: Dillard, GA Note- NEW LOCATION

Web Link: https://www.ridemsta-ga.com/events/rallies/n-ga-classic-

Description: A long standing Southeastern tradition for the MSTA, we
kick-off the riding season in style at the North Georgia Classic.

This year, we will rally for 3 days out of one of our historical locations,
a "Classic" spot...if you will. The quiet town of Dillard in beautiful
Rabun County will play host this year. We have held this event in
Dillard previously, as well as our famous Dual Sport gathering, with
great success and we look forward to returning. Helen has been a
great location and we will likely be back, but sometimes a little
change is good.

This rally is an MSTA JFF (Just For Fun) event with no fees or
membership requirements. The mountains are calling, come ring in
the new riding year with us!!

Event name: Not Looking For Bigfoot Rally

Event Type: JFF ROAD

When:  April 28 - 30, 2023

Where: Mountain Home, Arkansas

Web Link: https://ridemsta.com/ar-bigfoot/

Description: The Not Looking For BigFoot Rally is an informal get-
together for a first Spring weekend of riding in the Ozark mountains of
Northwest Arkansas.

The Friday dinner party will be at the Arena Sports Bar next door.
Suggested lunch routes and locations to be announced. The
Saturday banquet will be at the LaPaloma Mountain Home
Restaurant across the parking lot at 6:30 PM.

This rally is an MSTA JFF (Just For Fun) event with no fees or
membership requirements.

Event name: Ozark Escape Rally

Event Type: JFF ROAD ADV

When:  May 5 - 7

Where: Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Web Link: https://www.motoadrenalinetours.com/ozarkescape

Description: This is the 6th annual Ozark Escape "Just for Fun"
event. It takes place each year, in the great state of Arkansas. For
those riders that have experienced the Ozarks, and for those of you
not familiar with this area. They call the state of Arkansas the "Natural
State" and there is a reason for that. The scenic views, the magical
little places to visit, and some of the most amazing roads in the
country await you. This is a great way to kick off the riding season.

There is no fee for this event, however, we do ask that you register so
that we can prepare for the number of riders that will be in

This rally is an MSTA JFF (Just For Fun) event with no fees or
membership requirements.

Event name: Canaan Valley Rally

Event Type: JFF ROAD ADV

When:  May 18 - 21, 2023

Where: Davis, West Virginia

Web Link: https://ridemsta.com/wv-canaan/

Description: The 2023 Canaan Valley MSTA Rally will be held at the
Canaan Valley Resort near Davis, WV. This is the same facility where
we held the STAR21 Rally a couple years ago. 
There is NO RALLY FEE for this event, however we will be collecting
donations for the Ride For Kids Foundation (suggested donation of
$10). Beyond the small costs for registration, etc., all donations will
go to the fund, so please give what you can.

We will offer the same Street and ADV routes that we used for the
2021 STAR, but we've refined them to address concerns noted since
then. They will be available for download to GPS devices.

This rally is an MSTA JFF (Just For Fun) event with no fees or
membership requirements.

Event name: 35th Annual T Rally

Event Type: JFF ROAD

When:  May 19 - 20, 2023

Where: Harrison, Arkansas

Web Link: https://ridemsta.com/ar-trally/

Description: The T-Rally is one of the longest running rallies in the
MSTA. The rally location is in the center of the Ozark mountains and
is surrounded by great roads.

Event coordinators Bill and Becky Wing have simplified this year's
event- there is no hot dog cook out or formal banquet this year, but
there is a restaurant next door so we will have dinner as a group. On
Saturday, you will be able to ride the exceptional route that Bill puts
together each year. He knows all the roads and is a master at
stringing them together in routes that are among the best you will find

This rally is an MSTA JFF (Just For Fun) event with no fees or
membership requirements.

Event name: TriSTAR Rally

Event Type: JFF ROAD ADV

When:  May 26 - 29

Where:  Sparta, North Carolina

Web Link: https://ridemsta.com/nc-tristar/

Description: Sparta is located in the northwest of North Carolina's
Blue Ridge Mountains, nestled between the New River and the Blue
Ridge Parkway, offering scenic vistas, unspoiled landscape and
friendly folk.

Named TriSTAR because you're only a few miles from the States of
Virginia and Tennessee and event routes cover all three states.
Come and enjoy the scenic beauty along miles and miles of great
twisty mountain roads.

There are lots of things to do in the area for those not interested in
riding. A great way to spend your Memorial Day Weekend.

This rally is an MSTA JFF (Just For Fun) event with no fees or
membership requirements.

Event name: STAR Rally


When:  June 10 - 15, 2023

Where:  Knoxville, Tennessee

Web Link: https://ridemsta.com/star/

Description: STAR is the annual national rally for the MSTA. In
addition to great riding opportunities, there will be a full schedule of
fun activities, including:
Welcome Ceremony
New Members/First Time Attendees Meeting
New Members Ride
Ladies of the MSTA Meet & Greet
Annual Members Meeting
Lunch Ride
Closing Banquet & Awards
Annual Bike Raffle- a Canyon Red 2022 Royal Enfield 650
Event T-Shirts 

There will be a wide selection of routes and  Extras. Click the web link
for more info.

The STAR rally is open to everyone....no club membership or
affiliation is required.

Event name: Big Lynn Lodge Rally


When:  July 13 - 16, 2023

Where: Little Switzerland, North Carolina

Web Link: https://ridemsta.com/nc-biglynn/

Description: This July event has been running since 2011 and it's a
unique, must-attend rally. What is so great about the Big Lynn Lodge
(BLL) Ride? Let me tell you!

First is location. The Big Lynn Lodge is located on a mountain ridge
right next to the Blue Ridge Parkway, a few miles south of Spruce
Pine, North Carolina. It is one of the most beautiful settings you will
find for a place to stay. There are fantastic roads in every direction
from the doorstep of the lodge.

Second is "social dining." Every guest has breakfast and dinner
included with their room and everyone dines together for both meals.
Food is healthy and tasty with soft drinks and desserts, which include
homemade pies.

Third is routes. This area has some exceptional technical and twisty
routes, both pavement and dirt, created by Doug Pippin. They are
some of the best you will ride anywhere, ever.

As if all of that is not enough, there will be entertainment on Friday
night. Almost Vintage will play a set or two out on the back porch.

Once again, the BLL Rally will have available Anne-Marie LaFrance,
a professional massage therapist, so attendees can sign up for a free
thirty-minute massage on Friday and Saturday afternoon. A pre-ride
Saturday "stretching for the ride" session will also be offered.

The STAR rally is open to everyone....no club membership or
affiliation is required.

Event name: River City Ride JFF

Event Type: JFF ROAD

When: July 28 - 30, 2023

Where:  Corydon, Indiana

Web Link: https://ridemsta.com/in-rivcity/
Description: Mark your calendars for the 34th Annual River City Ride,
which will be held once again with the Holiday Inn Express as the

This is a wonderful opportunity for good times with friends old and
new, and enjoy a full helping of Hoosier Hospitality.

The Corydon area and Ohio River valley is rich with history and
natural attractions, including the old capitol, caves, Ohio River sites,
and more.

This rally is an MSTA JFF (Just For Fun) event with no fees or
membership requirements.

Event name: Eagle Quest Rally

Event Type: JFF ROAD

When:  August 4 - 7, 2023

Where: Milford, Pennsylvania

Web Link: https://ridemsta.com/pa-equest/

Description: If you're not from the area and thought that NY and NJ
were nothing but urban sprawl   get your butt up here, and we'll show
you some wilderness, cliffs, and maybe some Bald Eagles. You won't
be in any city traffic, but on a clear day, you can see NYC from the
top of Perkins Memorial Drive.

If you are from the area, come on out and meet some other sport
touring riders. Have dinner with us at the historic Dimmick Inn &
Steakhouse, in Milford, or perhaps the Carriage House in Barryville

We have prepared several street routes, 100 to 250 miles. Routes will
be available on printed maps and by gpx files.

Destinations/overlooks/stops include: 
Hawks Nest Highway
Bethel Woods (Woodstock) 
The Roebling Aqueduct 
Sugar Loaf NY 
Perkins Memorial 
The spectacular Route 106 thru Harriman State Park 
Storm King Highway with the overlook over West Point 
Greenwood Lake 
The Dingman's Ferry Bridge

This rally is an MSTA JFF (Just For Fun) event with no fees or
membership requirements.

Event name: Red River Gorge Rally

Event Type: JFF ROAD ADV

When:  August 10 - 13

Where: Mt. Sterling, Kentucky

Web Link: https://ridemsta.com/ky-rrgorge/

Description: The 2023 edition of the Red River Gorge Rally is on!
Note the date change from last year.
Come ride the great roads of Eastern Kentucky with us!

Although it is a Just for Fun Rally with NO RALLY FEE, we will be
collecting donations for the Dan Clark Safety Fund at the Rally and
ask you to give whatever you can. (suggested donation is $10)
Convenient dining- the popular Cattlemen's Roadhouse is located
right next door to the hotel. Good steaks, salad bar, burgers, full bar
etc. There is also a Cracker Barrel nearby and a couple of gas
station/convenience stores.

You can register for the event at any time- registration is open. There
is no charge for the event. By pre-registering you allow the event
coordinator to plan on how many chairs to bring, how many waters to
purchase, etc. So PLEASE pre-register!

This rally is an MSTA JFF (Just For Fun) event with no fees or
membership requirements.

Event name: FlyBy Week


When:  August 21 -27, 2023

Where: Marietta, Ohio

Web Link: https://flybyweek.com

Description: MSTA's largest regional rally-
Great rally hotel with all suite rooms with l-shaped couch, heated
pool, hot breakfast, etc.
31+ Road and ADV routes to choose from
Come for the full week or any part
Evening Dinner Tours with transportation downtown Mon, Tue, Thur.
Outdoor Lounge behind hotel for evening socializing
Bike wash with all equipment & supplies courtesy VEI
Free Therapeutic Massage Thur - Sat with Anne-Marie LaFrance

The FlyBy Week rally is open to everyone....no club membership or
affiliation is required.

Event name: Ozarks BS Rally


When:  September 8 - 10, 2023

Where: Theodosia, Missouri

Web Link: https://ridemsta.com/mo-bsrally/

Description: The 2023 edition of the Bull Shoals Rally is on! 
As always, rally HQ is at the Theodosia Marina-Resort on Bull Shoals
The Ozarks BS Rally kicks off around 5:30 PM on Friday with a
gourmet wiener roast. There is always plenty of food and nobody
goes away hungry.

Saturday morning around 6 AM, a special breakfast buffet is set up at
Cookie's Restaurant, next to the hotel and campground. Saturday is
the main riding day and there are several great routes to choose
from. Saturday evening there is a banquet with plenty of good food
and door prizes.

Event registration will be open soon. By pre-registering you allow the
event coordinator to plan on food and other event supplies, etc. So
PLEASE pre-register!

The BS Rally is open to everyone....no club membership or affiliation
is required.

Event name: Fall Colors Rally

Event Type: JFF ROAD ADV 

When:  September 28- October 1, 2023

Where: Lewisburg, West Virginia

Web Link: https://ridemsta.com/wv-fallcolors/
Description: The Fall Colors Rally has been a long running tradition in
MSTA. Lewisburg, WV, has proven to be a great location- easy to
reach from all directions and close to lots of great riding.

We have been fortunate to have a good relationship with the Quality
Inn hotel, which has provided us with a reasonable cost and good
accommodations for many years.

Thursday evening features a dinner tour to restaurants in downtown

Fall Colors features a great route collection from Doug Pippin

This rally is an MSTA JFF (Just For Fun) event with no fees or
membership requirements.

Event name: ByWay Boogie Rally

Event Type: JFF ROAD

When:  October 6-8, 2023

Where: Clarksville, Arkansas

Web Link: https://ridemsta.com/ar-bwboogie/   

Description: The By-Way Boogie is an informal get-together for a final
Fall weekend of riding in the Ozark mountains of Northwest

The Friday night pizza party will be at the hotel using a delivery
service from Pizza Hut.

The Saturday banquet will be at the Crossroads Restaurant next door
at 6:30 PM.

This rally is an MSTA JFF (Just For Fun) event with no fees or
membership requirements.

Event name: Fall at Two Wheels of Suches

Event Type: JFF ROAD
When:  October 12 - 15, 2023

Where: Suches, Georgia

Web Link: https://ridemsta.com/ga-suches/

Description: 2023 will be the 2nd year of this Just for Fun (JFF) rally
at Two Wheels of Suches (TWOS) In Suches, GA.
Suches is central to many beautiful riding areas in north Georgia.
TWOS offers: Lodge Rooms, Cabins and Camping at reasonable
TWOS also offers Dinner and breakfast Friday thru Sunday.
This is beautiful area in North Georgia for motorcycle routes. Come
join us for great company and great roads!

This rally is an MSTA JFF (Just For Fun) event with no fees or
membership requirements.

Event name: Texas Hill Country Rally

Event Type: ROAD
When:  October 26-29, 2023
Where: Kerrville, Texas

Web Link: https://ridemsta.com/tx-hillcountry/
Description: 2023 will mark the 30th anniversary for the MSTA Texas
Hill Country Rally. Come on down and enjoy some of the very finest
roads in the state and well-known Texas hospitality.
We have added a day to the traditional 3 day event to allow riders two
full days of fun to sample our roads We hope to make the 30th event
even more fun than in the past with some new routes and some old
Apple pie, hamburgers, ice cream and Tex-Mex. Who could ask for
anything more? We had 41 attendees in 2022 and hope for 80 in
2023. If you have attended before, bring a friend or two and if you
attended in the past but missed the last couple of years, come on
back and get reacquainted with MSTA friends and the great roads of
the Texas Hill Country.

This rally is open to everyone....no club membership or affiliation is
not all that wander are lost


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