Author Topic: Suzuki quadsport 250 manual  (Read 12720 times)

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Suzuki quadsport 250 manual
« on: July 02, 2014, 07:50:15 pm »
OK, not totally a motorcycle question.  Recently acquired an '04 Suzuki quadsport 250 ATV.  However, the previous owner did not have the owners manual and I was also looking for a service manual.  There are several on e-bay so asking the collective...anyone have experience with the manuals listed on e-bay for download?  Seems like they range from $5-$30.  The rear brake seems like it is shot and wanted to have something to walk me through disassembly and troubleshooting.  Checked Clymer, but they didn't have that specific model.  Are there other options out there?  Thanks for any info.

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Re: Suzuki quadsport 250 manual
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2014, 04:25:20 am »
If the rear pads have adequate thickness, I'd drain & refill the master cylinder with fresh brake fluid then bleed the system.  Even in this day and age, it's amazing how many people totally ignore the brake fluid and keep it in there forever.   

It should be changed at least every 2-years and fresh fluid is the color of cooking oil.  Brake fluid is cheap so this simple system "tune-up" cost virtually nothing.