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Author Topic: Gallery problem? Maybe?  (Read 21344 times)

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Offline fartymarty

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Gallery problem? Maybe?
« on: July 13, 2014, 05:00:12 pm »
I was going to upload a few photos, but the only category offered was "photo contest". I didn't want to enter a contest, I thought each member was allowed to create
a gallery of their own here. I was thinking a "my Gallery" option would/should be there? Yes? NO?
MSTA#13833 COG #9712
AMA#3051467 SCMA#46974

Offline Patmo

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Re: Gallery problem? Maybe?
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2014, 08:16:39 pm »
I could be wrong here, but I think I know what the problem for you might be.....

Since this is a forum that anyone (members and NON-members) can access and register for, the web master controls access to certain areas that are open only to MSTA dues paying members.  You might need to send a PM to Jay and request to be granted full MSTA membership status on this forum.  When that happens, you will be granted access to such areas as Member Benefits.  Possibly you are currently not given the opportunity to access the Member Gallery as well.  I only say this because when I clicked on the Gallery icon near the top of the page, the Member gallery came up, along with the photo contest.  If you have not done so yet send Jay the request, but please be patient.  He works full time, has a family life, and still does 100% of the work necessary to maintain and run this web presence.....it might take him a bit to get a hold of the membership director and verify your membership and then change your status to member.  I know that this seems cumbersome, but it's the system currently in place, and IMO works well if people are just a bit patient.

not all that wander are lost

Offline fartymarty

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Re: Gallery problem? Maybe?
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2014, 08:51:49 pm »
I could be wrong here, but I think I know what the problem for you might be.....

Since this is a forum that anyone (members and NON-members) can access and register for, the web master controls access to certain areas that are open only to MSTA dues paying members.  You might need to send a PM to Jay and request to be granted full MSTA membership status on this forum.  When that happens, you will be granted access to such areas as Member Benefits.  Possibly you are currently not given the opportunity to access the Member Gallery as well.  I only say this because when I clicked on the Gallery icon near the top of the page, the Member gallery came up, along with the photo contest.  If you have not done so yet send Jay the request, but please be patient.  He works full time, has a family life, and still does 100% of the work necessary to maintain and run this web presence.....it might take him a bit to get a hold of the membership director and verify your membership and then change your status to member.  I know that this seems cumbersome, but it's the system currently in place, and IMO works well if people are just a bit patient.
Thanks Patmo, I also get the Member gallery (1 member) and the photo contest gallery, however the member gallery is not an option when I try to post. I'll just wait until things run there normal course. If nothing changes in a month I'll send him an email. Thanks again, what you've said typed makes sense.
MSTA#13833 COG #9712
AMA#3051467 SCMA#46974


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Re: Gallery problem? Maybe?
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2014, 01:14:25 am »
Contact Jim Park and he can provide you with your very own gallery on the MSTA's Photo Archive (powered by SmugMug). You can PM him at RideMyST or his email is in the BlueBook (Florida).

This is the preferred method as we have limited server space where the forum resides but unlimited space on our SmugMug site.


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