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Author Topic: Giveaway to MSTA Members- Motorcycle Reports  (Read 10773 times)

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Giveaway to MSTA Members- Motorcycle Reports
« on: March 21, 2015, 08:42:51 am »
A few years back there was a company called Ian Smith Information that published spiral wound books with all the major motorcycle reviews of individual motorcycles. Over the years I ordered several for motorcycles I might have been interested in, or possibly purchasing. I kept them over the years, but decided now is time for some spring cleaning and they need to go to another home for someone that might enjoy reading them or have one of those motorcycles.
Below are the motorcycles for which I have copies of the reports.
1. Honda XR650R
2. Honda VTR1000 Superhawk
3. Honda XR600R
4. Honda Hawk GT650 (NT650)
5. Honda CB-1
6. Ducat 888
7. Ducati 999
8. Ducati 996
9. Ducati 900 SS (Up to 1993)
10. Ducati 900 SS (1994 +)
If you are interested in any of these, send me a PM with your name and address and I will send it/them to you in the next week or so. First come, first served....
Rick Giddish
MSTA East Tennessee State Director


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