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Author Topic: Forum Activity  (Read 78196 times)

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Offline DirtFlier

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Re: Forum Activity
« Reply #60 on: May 04, 2015, 09:08:01 pm »

I appreciate all that you've done for the club over the many years that you've worked on the website. 


Offline stevegrab

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Re: Forum Activity
« Reply #61 on: May 05, 2015, 07:09:17 pm »
I don't do Facebook.
Me neither, and I'm not going to start just because its the way to attract younger people. If it becomes required for all state directors and asisstants you're going to find many new positions opening up.

To Marty's point, I think the MSTA is different things to different people. To some it is only the local group, they do local rides, breakfast, meetings and other social gatherings. They rarely go to an MSTA sanctioned event, or know any members outside the local area (except maybe from other MSTA publications, website, forum, FB page). Then there are those that primarily see it as a national club and do most of their participation at events. They don't do a lot of local rides or other things (sometimes there isn't a local group, or not close enough, they're not aware or just too busy. Some members to both local and regional/national events.

Sorry to see things go down the toilet in this thread, and to hear that Jon has stepped down. I know that this has been a big job for him, and know that he's taken some grief in the past. Heck I've probably posted my share of complaints. But one thing I've always tried to do, thank people for their work, and keep in mind they are volunteers when asking for things. As Jon said offer to help, offer alternatives.

I hope we can get more participation in the forum, but from what I'm experiencing locally participation is down across the board. Weekend rides, events, social gatherings, people are either spread to thin or are just not interested in riding or the club anymore.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

Offline Patmo

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Re: Forum Activity
« Reply #62 on: May 05, 2015, 07:28:25 pm »
Steve....to your point about Facebook.  I can't see it ever being a requirement for anyone to participate.  The club does have a Facebook "page" and anyone that decides to join the "group" can post things on it and will receive updates as part of their own "news feed".  It's takes virtually no maintinence and is extremely easy to use, especially from mobile devices.  Which is probably the reason that it is so popular with younger people.

I agree with all your other points....well stated.
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Re: Forum Activity
« Reply #63 on: May 05, 2015, 07:42:07 pm »
Steve....to your point about Facebook.  I can't see it ever being a requirement for anyone to participate.  The club does have a Facebook "page" and anyone that decides to join the "group" can post things on it and will receive updates as part of their own "news feed".  It's takes virtually no maintinence and is extremely easy to use, especially from mobile devices.  Which is probably the reason that it is so popular with younger people.

I agree with all your other points....well stated.
I meant for the volunteers being required. Somebody mentioned "every state having a FB page and updating it regularly" well that requires a local volunteer to do that. Its hard enough finding people to be state directors, do state web sites, etc.

My basic point on FB is that for some people once they start using it a lot, they just stop using other things (forums, email, etc.)  It becomes their GO TO place for almost everything. Just like email changed how many people no longer send letters, or make as many phone calls.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

Offline Patmo

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Re: Forum Activity
« Reply #64 on: May 06, 2015, 07:37:07 am »

 Somebody mentioned "every state having a FB page and updating it regularly" well that requires a local volunteer to do that.

Actually, No it doesn't.  The "page" is unlike a website with a forum.  Think of it as more of a bulletin board where everyone has access to post up whatever they want.  Facebook itself moniters it and will take down anything that it deems inapproiate, and deal with the poster as it sees fit (including banning the poster from Facebook if it thinks it's necessary). There is never any maintence that anyone from the MSTA must do, because the MSTA is set up as an "open" group page. Once someone "joins" the group they can then set up events, post pictures, share links, post stories, and comment on any other posts that appear there.  So it's really a group membership controlled and driven form of communication.

And that's the key......communication.  Websites, forums, Facebook, Twitter, even the STAReview.......they are all just different forms and methods of communication.  Some people like staying informed about what is happening in the club, and not just what is happening in their local area.  Others might not care about what is happening in Texas,, or Ohio, or Florida, etc., but want to know what is happening in their community.  Some people are comfortable with using the Internet for this, and some are not.  Facebook, and this forum, are just ways for the club to reach out to new people and keep the current members better informed.  They are tools that we can utilize to inform, and they are also tools that others can use to get informed.  Club meetings. Newsletters, phone calls, emails, etc. are other methods.  Everyone should feel free to use the methods that they are most comfortable with, and feel no pressure to use ones they don't like.
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Offline stevegrab

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Re: Forum Activity
« Reply #65 on: May 06, 2015, 02:02:25 pm »
Ok Pat, I'll plead ignorance on all things FB because I don't use it.

I'm just not crazy (as a volunteer at the local level) with any requirement for how we communicate. There was talk one time of forcing all the Yahoo groups, local web sites and such to move to the MSTA forum community. I wasn't thrilled with that and said then that I can say that in our local area it would result in much reduced communication. The simplicity of a Yahoo group as an email list cannot be done in the forum. I know Jon has done a lot to promote it and provided info on following topics, but it just isn't the same, and doesn't work for our needs.

I do agree with marty that having all the communication spread out over many things (FB, MSTA forum, Google+, local web site or email lists and our official communication STAReview) is a problem. And I think it has resulted in a more splintered and clicky membership.

Ok off my soap box and back to work.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650


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Re: Forum Activity
« Reply #66 on: October 19, 2016, 02:28:14 pm »
Yes I was questioned as to why I didn't just use the MSTA Website based Texas forum instead of the Yahoo group I set up years ago. Well, that was, let's see, how many different websites ago? And with each rebirth, you had to join all over again. And our TX Yahoo group is still up and going now with about a hundred members. It pushes out info to members, you don't have to go log in someplace and search for info.

As for the FB approach, folks that say they will never do FB remind me of those same folks that said, "I'll never do email". Hard to believe now. That's all well and good, but you're living in the past and the dark ages.  Social media is the future. The Yamaha FB forums I'm on, and there are two I use, are active all the time with all kinds of great info and ideas readily available. I also joined a and fjr .com group, where you log in. I never use it.

I hate to admit this now, but we were all better in touch with the old micapeak email program that Vic set up and ran for us. It was antiquated and old fashioned, but it worked to push out info to members. And it gave Vic something to do.   ;)

Offline DirtFlier

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Re: Forum Activity
« Reply #67 on: October 19, 2016, 05:59:47 pm »

[As for the FB approach, folks that say they will never do FB remind me of those same folks that said, "I'll never do email". Hard to believe now. That's all well and good, but you're living in the past and the dark ages.  Social media is the future.]

I agree completely.  :-)

Offline stevegrab

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Re: Forum Activity
« Reply #68 on: October 19, 2016, 06:10:56 pm »

I've said I won't have Facebook and I won't. It is not the same as email, not even close. This view that some have that all things must be on FB or want to do it all on FB ignores that there is still this vast world called the internet, FB hasn't replaced that.

As for Yahoo groups, yes they are great tools and ours for NE Ohio is still going and doing its job.

Social media may be the future, but there's still lots of life in the WWW/internet/email.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650


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