Thread Archive > STAR 2015

Help! can't get STAR routes to load

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Can someone please help me?  I'm trying to open up the STAR routes download.  My computer (Toshiba laptop) keeps sending me to Adobe reader, whenever I try to open the download.  A note then comes up that it cant open it because its not supported.  All I want to do is load the routes on MY Garmin Zumo 660LM, or at the very least PRINT them out.

I must admit that I find this all completely confusing and frustrating.

Anyone have some SIMPLE (for someone that didn't grow up with computers or GPS and doesn't work with them) instructions?

THANKS in advance!

Pat M

The download file is a compressed file in 'zip' format. IE - the download file has to uncompressed or unzipped first. I'm a Mac guy, but step one is to unzip the file. See if you can download a free program that unzips files. Hope this helps?

Okay Pat lets see if I can help you.
The file that I attached for GPX is a zipped file so that is what should be downloaded.
When you click on that if you are running XP, 7 or 8 it should bring up a Windows Explorer with all the files listed.
Look up to the top and there is an extract feature.

You can extract these to your desktop or directly to the MicroSD card on your Garmin - assuming you have one inserted there.
If you want to open them to look at them you need to either have MapSource or Basecamp loaded on your PC.

What I did in Basecamp was to create a File - New - List Folder - named it STAR 2015
Click on that and then under File again you should get the option to Import into STAR 2015 (or name of folder)
Find where you extracted the files and then you can import them all by doing a <CTRl> A and selecting them all.
This will then import them into Basecamp.
From there you can recaculate and/or check them if you are running something other than City Nav 2015.4.
Once you are ready to import them you again make sure you are on the folder for STAR 2015 and go to Device - Send To - Send STAR 2015 to...

If you are still having problems I can email you the uncompressed files.

Thanks everyone!

Not sure exactly what I did, but I seem to have the routes in my basecamp files now.  Next step will be to send them to the GPS, which I know how to do.



It's all done with smoke 'n mirrors!



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