Thread Archive > STAR 2015

Help! can't get STAR routes to load

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First let me say I am an absolute newbie to BaseCamp. With that said, when I import the files into BaseCamp, at appears that the routes are tracks and the tracks are routes. What have I done wrong?

Hopefullly someone with more BaseCamp knowledge will pipe in here but here's the little I know.
The way we built the routes they will be in purple/magenta and the tracks are in green.
On my version if I look in the lower left box there are 2 choices to pick just below the waypoints.
Both are the same name as the file is for that route.
1.  One for the route which I'm not sure what the symbol is.
2.  The other has little foot prints and that's for the tracks.
If you click on each one of those they highlight in the colors above.


--- Quote from: VersysRider on June 11, 2015, 10:33:39 pm ---First let me say I am an absolute newbie to BaseCamp. With that said, when I import the files into BaseCamp, at appears that the routes are tracks and the tracks are routes. What have I done wrong?

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When I see that our web-master also finds Basecamp to be confusing and frustrating.....I feel so much better.  :)

Sorry, Jay.....but I was beginning to think it was ONlY ME!  LOL


--- Quote from: Patmo on June 12, 2015, 06:34:57 am ---
--- Quote from: VersysRider on June 11, 2015, 10:33:39 pm ---First let me say I am an absolute newbie to BaseCamp. With that said, when I import the files into BaseCamp, at appears that the routes are tracks and the tracks are routes. What have I done wrong?

--- End quote ---

When I see that our web-master also finds Basecamp to be confusing and frustrating.....I feel so much better.  :)

Sorry, Jay.....but I was beginning to think it was ONlY ME!  LOL

--- End quote ---
The first time I used BaseCamp was last night. Normally, I just download the routes into my phone (windows phone) and hope for the best. It normally works fine and if it does reroute, I just look at it as I have found something new. Usually when it does screw up, you end up on an unpaved road, but on the Tenere that's not a big deal.


Appreciate all the choices for the lunch ride. The extra value for me is that I can choose how many miles to ride on the Lunch Ride day.

I want to be back early on Tue. so I can rest a bit and prepare for my seminar Tue. night, so that's very helpful!

Norm Kern


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