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Forum > MSTA Sanctioned Event Reports
Fall Colors 2015
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--- Quote from: Patmo on October 17, 2015, 08:39:09 am ---I agree that having a GPS, and knowing how to use it, makes leading a ride much easier. But, depending on it can also cause problems and/or lead to opportunities to ride new roads....:). A lot of thst depends on how well its programmed and how adept one is at using it. I speak from experience on both ends of thst spectrum....having used a GPS at TriStar and finally being able to ride the Indisn Valley route without missing any turns, and having had some problems with following routes a few other times at other rallies. However, I blame most of thst on my own inexperience and lack of GPS "savvy". But it's all good.....
"When you don't care where you're going.....any road will get you there."
--- End quote --- The Indian Valley route - used to get lost on that one too before GPS. In fact it was following routes at events like Tri-STAR that had me looking to get a GPS. Even some state highways are much harder to navigate in southern states than at home in Ohio. But now I use it regularly as reading a map in my tank bag is hard without removing my glasses worn for distance.
Great discussion here by the way, agree with most of it. Even within my local group I wish more people were willing to lead. Many expect somebody else to decide where to ride and do the leading. For years it was somebody now its me. I try to welcome new riders, but as Norm and others point out its a juggling act. In Lexington at STAR we had a group of 6 riding down, and picked up 2 more at the event. Still a manageable size with a group accustomed to each othe (one was new a guy from Australia). Then for the lunch ride a few more were interested, in order to accommodate them I got Quint (qman) to take the "faster" guys and go. This allowed me to lead a more relaxed pace that worked for the others (especially our senior rider of 80+ who was instrumental in the early formation of our local group).
Anyway so when are we riding again :-)
Larry next weekend there is an Ohio lunch ride near Wheeling that I plan to attend weather permitting. I'll post that on our Yahoo list, if you're not on that email me and i'll add you or forward info.
Steve thanks for the invite. If you could send the info to or text me that would be great.
LOTS of good discussion here. Thanks to all who replied!
Norm Kern
This is a great discussion with lots of good points. Thanks to all.
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