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Forum > STAR 2018

STAR 2018 Registration is Open 😁

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--- Quote from: Ride4MS on January 05, 2018, 03:45:02 pm ---We are working on the dual sport routes, and have at least 4 completed as of today.  They will be in issue 3701 as well as on the forum in the future.  The routes that I looked at, designed by Doug Marsh have a great variety of terrain and sites to see.

See you in June.

--- End quote ---

Sweet! Thanks for all that you guys have done!

For those that would like to know what is on the menu for the Lunch Ride, it is: Pulled pork sandwich, 2 sides, cookie and drink.  Be sure to add the Lunch Ride to your registration.  The Lunch stop is only 26 miles from the hotel.  There are 4 choices of routes and lengths.  You can take your choice of routes to the Lunch Stop, with the shortest of 56 total miles or 300 miles total, and the others are in between.  More details coming in STAReview and on the forum.  Check back later.  See you in La Crosse in less than 4 months!


--- Quote from: Ride4MS on February 16, 2018, 09:26:38 pm ---For those that would like to know what is on the menu for the Lunch Ride, it is: Pulled pork sandwich, 2 sides, cookie and drink.  Be sure to add the Lunch Ride to your registration.  The Lunch stop is only 26 miles from the hotel.  There are 4 choices of routes and lengths.  You can take your choice of routes to the Lunch Stop, with the shortest of 56 total miles or 300 miles total, and the others are in between.  More details coming in STAReview and on the forum.  Check back later.  See you in La Crosse in less than 4 months!

--- End quote ---

Carl - not sure if you are coordinating the lunch menu, but be sure to arrange for vegetarian and vegan options too. Some of us are on pretty strict diets  ;D [size=78%] [/size]

Thanks Harry, I will forward to Ray.  I think he had something planned.

Iguana Joe:
Anita and I are registered...

WooHoo! She got to do almost no riding last year due to work and broken foot and her Mother passing. Looking forward to seeing everyone and riding some amazing roads!!!

Iggy Joe 8) 8) 8)


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