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Forum > MSTA Sanctioned Event Reports

Fall Colors 2015

<< < (2/13) > >>

Glad you got it booked Wardie!! See you there. Syd :D

[So some people are going to be there only Thursday, but not Fri/Sat?]

Syd has a group dinner on Thursday at a Mexican joint in town.  Last year we were too late so missed it but will plan to make it this year! 

Many (most?) people will be there Thursday afternoon and depart on Sunday morning.  :-)

Hold the busses!! I just talked with Jo McMahan, who generally handles things for me at the QI. One of assistants told me yesterday that we had no more rooms available for Thursday. He evidently had no idea what he was talking about, because Jo says we do have rooms for Thursday. Please call asap, and nail down your rooms. Please call between 8am and 3pm, and ask for Jo McMahan, if you want to make sure your reservation is handled properly. I have also reserved five rooms until the 18th at the Hampton Inn, directly behind the QI. There are two queen rooms with two beds, and three king rooms.The cost is $130, reduced from $145. We are getting a deal at the QI! Syd :D

Boy, you sure know how to sweet talk the women!   ;)

Try to tell that to my wife Tosh! :(


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