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Author Topic: Hearing loss... Sena and earbud use?  (Read 44095 times)

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Offline bcd

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Re: Hearing loss... Sena and earbud use?
« Reply #30 on: May 12, 2017, 02:58:17 pm »
I will put in another plug (Ha! Get it? PLUG! I slay me...) for the Etymotic MC5s. I've been using them for years and have found nothing better.

I did get a set of custom ear molds made for them a few years ago. They fit in my ears nicely but they made the back of the MC5 stick out further, and the helmet would move it around and mess up the seal. I went back to just using the silicone 'xmas tree' tips that came with them.

The only times they've failed have been my fault. One got stepped on and another got smashed in a saddlebag hinge.

I just roll up the extra wire length after putting on my helmet, and put the loop in my jacket's left chest pocket.

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Re: Hearing loss... Sena and earbud use?
« Reply #31 on: May 12, 2017, 03:26:23 pm »
Hey BD. Do you wear a modular helmet? I purchased an adapter awhile ago and tried using a nice pair of  Harmon Kardon earbuds. The improvement was huge but it was difficult keeping them in place when I put my helmet on. Thinking a modular helmet might help.

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Re: Hearing loss... Sena and earbud use?
« Reply #32 on: May 12, 2017, 03:29:10 pm »
I currently use a Schuberth C3 modular. I also used them with my previous RF-1100 full-face.

It's probably a little easier with the modular, but I didn't have too much trouble before.

'21 Speed Twin, '15 Super Tenere

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Re: Hearing loss... Sena and earbud use?
« Reply #33 on: May 14, 2017, 12:45:52 pm »
"So in trying to understand both products it seems that the Plugup S actually have a driver or 2 drivers depending on what you order and the Plugfones look to be passive. Is this correct? So if you recently switched do you still have the Plugup? Do they work? Also I like the idea of Plugfones where you can change from silicone to foam covers and even have different colors for each ear. Am I reading this correctly? I didn't see that option on the Plugup. "

Yer on target, Brick...

I rode with the Plugfones yesterday.  With the foam, they are clearly more comfortable than S plugs, IMO.  They are also loud and clear with the Sena SMH10r (correction: not a 10S).  I'll keep my S plugs as a backup.
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Re: Hearing loss... Sena and earbud use?
« Reply #34 on: May 16, 2017, 12:21:43 pm »
Brick , I 've been using the custom molded ear sets from http://www.earfuze.com/ for sometime. The racing set is on $35. Give them a try.  They will plug directly into the 20S.
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Re: Hearing loss... Sena and earbud use?
« Reply #35 on: May 16, 2017, 02:38:25 pm »
Brick , I 've been using the custom molded ear sets from http://www.earfuze.com/ for sometime. The racing set is on $35. Give them a try.  They will plug directly into the 20S.

Wayne thanks for the input. I watched the video and am well concerned. I had two sets made one at a bike show and one at a race without speakers years ago. When I put a helmet on both really hurt. I could not wear them. Are they soft to the touch?

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Re: Hearing loss... Sena and earbud use?
« Reply #36 on: May 17, 2017, 05:11:53 pm »

I bought a set of S plugs at STAR one year for around $90 and they were lost before I got home. :helpme:

Too funny! You are a mess! LOL

Read Norms post about the Christmas Tree style buds. I tried them - really weird! Not them, my ears! No sound unless I hold my mouth partly open...

Now that IS weird!

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You ever open your mouth when riding and notice the change in pitch of the wind noise? (I always ride with earplugs but have never tried music in my helmet, and don't have hearing loss now but probably will as I age [damn loud rock music].)
Steve Grabowski
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Re: Hearing loss... Sena and earbud use?
« Reply #37 on: May 18, 2017, 10:16:45 am »

I bought a set of S plugs at STAR one year for around $90 and they were lost before I got home. :helpme:

Too funny! You are a mess! LOL

Read Norms post about the Christmas Tree style buds. I tried them - really weird! Not them, my ears! No sound unless I hold my mouth partly open...

Now that IS weird!

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You ever open your mouth when riding and notice the change in pitch of the wind noise? (I always ride with earplugs but have never tried music in my helmet, and don't have hearing loss now but probably will as I age [damn loud rock music].)
Yes, opening / closing the mouth moves the jaw bones and can change the shape of your ear canal. Also things like turning your head and just chewing a piece of gum. I've used some cheap velcro mount speakers in my helmet along with either standard foam plugs (Howard Leight, the yellow/red colored ones) or some Etymotic noise cancelling plugs. The have a little hole in the center which allows the sound to travel through. Worked pretty good, with volume up. After a few hours you could feel them in your ears, since they are not as soft as the foam plugs. For the long slab rides, they worked pretty good and total investment (plugs, speakers, extension wire from helmet to sound source) was under $45.
Rich Grabowski;Jackson, MI; MSTA #12038
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