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Forum > STAR 2022 Cape Girardeau, Missouri

Get yourself tested...

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Another member just informed me that he and his roommate both are positive.

Paco Bulto:
There were 8 reported positives posted on the Facebook MSTA STAR 22 page. These 2 may bring the total to 10.


--- Quote from: GlibGuy on June 25, 2022, 12:57:19 pm ---Kudos to President Pat and his team along with all volunteers who helped with STAR ‘’22.  I also thought the staff/employees at the hotel went “above and beyond”.
Cape Girardeau folks friendly and nice too.

--- End quote ---
I agree with Mickey completely. I thought the staff was super.

Once or twice I even had area people wave me by them when I was behind them. Maybe they didn't like me riding right behind them, but it was me that appreciated it more than they didn't like something.

Update News: I'm Tom McKiernan and you're Not!  I tested positive this morning after feeling some symptoms last night I test again today. Sooooo, I'm doing all the usual stuff and getting lots of sunshine. I have very mild symptoms but it's annoying after all this time doing everything I could short of becoming a hermit. I guess I'll ride by myself more. LOL
Update on Dale Hall: He's doing better and has left the Cape for home today.   Ain't this the $*)ts.  My goofy sense of humor is intact so that'll help me through this. Take care everyone,  TM

Add one more to the list of positive. I started with a cough several hours ago and the past hour or more, felt tired and a little warm. Took the test and tested positive.
Denise still feels good. She tested negative about noon today.
We both have had 2 vaccines and one booster and scheduled for 2nd booster on Tuesday. Guess that won't happen.
Seems this Covid thing is picky on who gets it. 11 out of over 200 at STAR.
I felt good this afternoon and washed our ride and added a MSTA feature for this photo below.


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