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Forum > STAR 2022 Cape Girardeau, Missouri

Get yourself tested...

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I’m sorry to say that I tested positive, too. Is anyone keeping a list?

It started Thursday with a mild sore throat and the symptoms have been minor, so far.

Wishing everyone infected a speedy recovery.

I'm possibly one of the to Mat Mogavero referred to above. Started coughing on Wednesday, rode home Thursday with continued coughing, slight headache and beginning to feel the chills, tested positive when I got home. Called the doctor Friday morning, got the Paxlovid that afternoon and started taking it in the evening. Today I think I'm starting to feel better and may even ride to the drug store to pick up a prescription at the driveup window.

doug mcpeek:
Twice vaxxed, twice boosted.

Paco Bulto:
For those who have tested positive after STAR, has anyone gotten a negative test since then? I first tested positive on Friday, June 24 and am feeling fine today, but still testing positive. Just wondering how long one would expect to test positive after initial positive test.

Fred Z.


--- Quote from: Paco Bulto on July 03, 2022, 03:39:07 pm ---For those who have tested positive after STAR, has anyone gotten a negative test since then? I first tested positive on Friday, June 24 and am feeling fine today, but still testing positive. Just wondering how long one would expect to test positive after initial positive test.

Fred Z.

--- End quote ---
From what I've been told by my Dr. and from reading, it's not unusual to test positive for as long as 2-3 months. But you can have some assurance that 5 or so days after your symptoms have disappeared, you will not pass the virus along to anyone else.
I got tested one more time after several days of no symptoms and still tested positive.


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