EC News:
The EC met on 2/17/2025. The next meeting is scheduled for 3/17/25 at 7:30 PM
The new Paid Membership Pro website is coming along nicely. MSTA member and web
consultant Patrick Elward has been testing the new site and it’s about ready to launch.
* Note, you may get some emails from our testing web site about membership, this is
our new system through its paces. Stay tuned.
Facebook News: As of 2-28-25 the MSTA Facebook Group has 13,858 members! The
MSTA Facebook Group is a public group open to all. In addition to the MSTA Facebook
Group we have the MSTA Facebook Members-Volunteer Group which is a private
group reserved for paid MSTA members. There are currently 94 members. Norm Kern
started this group so that members who are interested in volunteering in some way to
help promote the success of the club can communicate easily and be in the know. If you
are interested in joining the volunteer FB group, please contact Norm Kern directly
There are also some state-specific MSTA Facebook groups such as Florida, Arkansas,
NC, Ohio, Indiana, Oklahoma, and PA to name a few.
Business Manager Kelly Ernst (OH) reported that checks were mailed to all 35
members who submitted receipts to the Dan Clark Safety Fund! Don’t forget about this
valuable club benefit and send those receipts in!
The EC voted to approve the Three Main Purposes for the club:
1. It is a SOCIAL club for people who ride motorcycles and enjoy discovering new
roads together in small groups or socialize in a common location, around their
2. It is an EVENTS club, where there are multiple rallies put on in as many states as
possible for the club membership.
3. It is a CONNECTED club. The STAReview, website, and Facebook page along
with many of the state newsletters and websites provide information to MSTA
members as well as prospective members about the happenings of the club.
There are NO open national officer positions at this time.
To view the detailed minutes of all EC meetings go to then Forums.
Log into the Forum (You must be a paid MSTA member with an ID and Password to log
in) Then go to Downloads MSTA EC Minutes
STAR News:
Jerry James (AR) is developing the STAR 2025 website. Thank you Jerry! The site will
open for registration on April 1st. If you would like to see how it is progressing go to:
STAR 2025 will be held in Williamsport Pennsylvania October 4-8. Hotel rates available
from October 2-8 are single and double $90.96 – Suites $100.96. Best Western Points
are eligible. They include a hot American buffet breakfast and Wi-Fi. MSTA has
reserved 180 rooms.
room call the Genetti directly at: (570) 326-6600.
Bill Rusk (OH) is the raffle bike coordinator for STAR 2025. Bill worked with Chris
Cuomo, the owner of Velocity Cycles in Camp Hill PA, to secure a 2024 Honda
Transalp 750 to be raffled at STAR 2025. The bike has already been paid for and Chris
has agreed to store the bike until it’s time to pick it up for the rally. Bill will be sending
out a raffle ticket letter and order form to all members shortly so keep an eye out and be
sure to purchase your tickets. Bill will also be selling tickets at the many regional rallies
he will be attending this year. Thank you Bill for volunteering to take on this important
The STAR Committee held its first official meeting for 1/23/25. The committee currently
consists of the following members:
Dennis Villarose (FL)
Dianne Park (FL)
Scott Snedden (TX)
Kerri Schegan (PA)
Bob Schegan (PA)
Chris Shoop (WV)
Bob Lyon (PA)
The STAR 2025 committee has been working hard to make sure this is an excellent rally!
Dennis Villarose informed the EC that STAR 2025 will be his last rally as Star Czar. The
EC appreciates his hard work and dedication organizing past STAR events. Thank you
If you are interested in being part of the committee, please email Dianne Park at:
Regional News:
State and Area Director Liaison Rob Milton (WI) held a virtual meeting on 2-15-25 with a
group of state and area directors to discuss a number of topics including the process for
getting important materials such as brochures, decals, wrist bands etc. If you are a
state/area director look for an email from Rob announcing the next meeting date/time.
Norm has completed all of the regional rally web sites for 2025.
Check your latest issue of STAReview for the 2025 Rally Schedule. There are
numerous events scheduled for 2025!
Also, Regional Events details can be found in the STAReview and
at by clicking on: Rally Calendar > Calendar + Schedule
Each regional event is highlighted on the calendar and by clicking on an event, you get
a pop-up with that event’s website and registration information.
State Leaders and Information:
States with Directors, websites, and/or newsletters can be found at
by clicking on: Club leaders > State Directors
To see other state’s newsletters, Face Book pages and/or websites go
to and click on:
State Group Links, and click on any state you are interested in.
The above is a great way to find out what is going on at the state level.
Membership Information:
As of March 1, 2025 MSTA has 995 members.
New = 10
Expired = 37
Expiring soon (by end of March) = 56
If you have expired or will be expiring soon, be sure to renew your membership to keep
our numbers strong!
Please consider taking some time to draft a story and share some photos for publication
in STAReview or your state newsletter!
Stay tuned for another Email Blast coming in April!
Ride on,
The MSTA Executive Committee