Date: 01/20/2025
EC Meeting Agenda
Meeting called to order at
Roll Call:
Norm Kern
Lou Laguna
Debbie Todt
Dianne Park
Rob Milton
Jerry James
Kelly Ernst
Dennis Villarose
STAR Business:
Old Business:
Progress report on Paid Membership Pro- Norm Kern – Report from Patrick Elward on Jan 17:
Progress is going well on the development server.
1. We’ve got all the members in system
2. their member levels are correct
3. their expiration dates are input
4. I’ve selected ‘forum name’ as username, so the 75% are all set- even if they forget, users can still use email addresses to get in.
5. For the email-averse, we’ve created FAKE email accounts that double as theirusername (this allows member management by MSTA internally) 6. I’ve copied over all the latest posts, so the content is up to date.
Open Items to be completed in coming days:
A. remainder of data import for non-standard info (data such as member referral info, spouse, emergency contact info, etc)
B. test emails to ensure templates load variables correctly (currently all templates fire fine, just not formatted correct)
C. Member management functions for MSTA volunteers to ensure they can complete all member-related tasks (new, updates, renewals, deletions, edits and so on)
D. closing out obvious gaps.
Jeff and I discussed some of the open items and I’ll keep him in the loop as we close out the tasks.
Once I close these items, I’ll send an invite to you (and any other MSTA personnel) for soft launch and user feedback.
Once user feedback is complete, you can decide when/how to announce this new member login.
Questions? Feedback, let me know. thanks!
Once testing is complete and any remaining problems are fixed we hope to be able to go live around February 1.
Update on monthly email blast- Lou Laguna –
Report on Facebook group MSTA Members-Volunteers- Norm Kern The group currently has 94 members.
Report on State/Area directors- Rob Milton-
Report on Making MSTA Banners etc available for sale to members- Rob Milton-
Norm called Got Print to see if there is a way to streamline ordering. They said that the only way was to let people log in on my account, with my password, select the order, and have it shipped to them and pay for it themselves. That doesn’t work for Norm!
Open national officer positions –
Raffle Coordinator- Need someone with a sales orientation-
New: Eliminate the Membership communications position- Pat Mogavero will be the new membership database administrator when PMP is up and running, replacing Don Moe. Pat and Norm met with Debbie Todt at the MSTA breakfast in Waynesville, OH on Saturday, Jan 18. Pat plans to not only take over Don’s position, but take over what little mailing and organization that remains from Debbie’s position, so the three of us agreed that Debbie’s position can be eliminated. The EC can vote on this once the transition is complete.
Bear in mind that the purpose of these job descriptions is for someone who might consider the position to see what it would entail. The following descriptions are OK as is:
President—OK Appoint and oversee members of the Executive Committee and National Staff, conduct the annual member’s business meeting, schedule regular meetings related to MSTA affairs. A two year position, renewable on the basis of satisfactory performance and may serve up to three two year terms.
Treasurer—OK Responsible for all of the association’s financial transactions, all money collected in the association’s name, membership fees, event fees, contributions to the Dan Clark Safety Fund, raffle bike money, etc. Record all bookkeeping activities. Prepare a financial statement for the annual business meeting and for publication in the STAReview. Note: as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee, financial reports may be requested on a quarterly basis to be provided to the EC and/or membership.
Secretary—OK Record and publish minutes of all Executive Committee meetings and the annual members meeting
Media and Public Relations Director– OK coordinate with news/press, motorcycle magazines and websites to promote the MSTA and the National and Regional Events. Also coordinates with vendors and speakers for the STAR events.
State and Area Director Liaison– OK Primary EC contact to State, Co- and Area Directors, and National Staff.
Member-at-Large—OK appointed by the President as an acting member of the Executive Committee
Changed Descriptions
The VP position change is adding the State and Area Director Liaison:
Vice President– (Updated) Assist the President with MSTA activities and scheduled meetings; coordinate volunteers throughout the organization, Create and send monthly EC club email blast.
Vote to approve updated VP description:
Motion: 2nd: In Favor: Oppose:
Membership Committee/Director— As stated earlier, this position is being eliminated, leaving an open seat on the EC. Membership is an important function of the club, so Norm thinks the replacement person should be related to membership. Pat Mogavero is the obvious choice, but he does not want to be on the EC again. Suggest we table this description for after we get PMP implemented. In the meantime, think about what we want to do for the future.
Event Websites Status Report- Norm
The sites Norm does are updated, online and in use.
Other sites are:
GA sites for Dillard and TWO rallies are created and maintained by Chad Barker, who has sent me the links for them.
Ozark Escape and By-Way Boogie sites are created & maintained by Jerry
James These sites are are updated, online and in use as well
STAR site is not started yet. Norm has a volunteer to do routes. Dianne is organizing the STAR committee and collecting information.
New Business:
Membership Info As of 1/1/2025, Total member count = 1004. Expired = 9.
New = 7. Expiring soon = 151.
Date 12/16/24
EC Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:31
Roll Call:
Norm Kern
Lou Laguna
Debbie Todt
Dianne Park
Rob Milton
Jerry James
Kelly Ernst
STAR Business:
Dennis Villarose- Since Dennis wasn’t available, no STAR business was
Old Business:
Progress report on Paid Membership Pro- Norm Kern –
Norm spoke with Jeff Dolence on December 6 and the server at
GoDaddy is hopelessly out-of-date and must be replaced. He explained our
options and a plan of action, so Norm emailed then called Kelly to make sure he
could give the green light without the delay of EC approval since it did not
involve a major expenditure.
Kelly agreed this was a good plan and that we could proceed so Norm told Jeff
and Patrick to go ahead. The new server is already up and running and most
software is transferred to it.
ExpressTech, the contractor we hired to customize Paid Membership Pro, has
been slow to respond to our requests and is many months behind on the project
so we are ending our agreement with them. Jeff and Patrick are completing the
Patrick expects to have everything complete, tested and online, mid to end of
Update on monthly email blast- Lou Laguna – Lou said they are going well.
Norm suggested putting the email link in the volunteer and state groups on face
book but not on the public group where someone who is not a member would be
able to see the information. The emails will still go out to all paid members who
have an email address.
Report on Facebook group MSTA Members-Volunteers- Norm Kern
The group currently has 92 members.
Report on State/Area directors- Rob Milton
All the information Rob has is updated and is current and he plans to do a
conference call (in January) to discuss recruitment. Norm said to be sure to
include National Recruiting director Dennis Lyon on the call. Rob mentioned that
the only remaining open spots are states that do not have many members.
Report on Making MSTA Banners etc available for sale to members- Rob
Milton- Rob said he’s working on trying to find a place that will do the banners
and be able to give a percentage of each purchase back to the club. A local
place was around $75 (don’t think that included shipping). Norm said that Got
Print will do a single 3×5 banner for $40 which includes drop shipping directly to
the member for an additional $1. Norm said he will call Got Print. to see if there
is a way to streamline ordering.
Open national officer positions –
Raffle Coordinator-
Replacement for Membership communications-
Need to review all National position job descriptions and update them-
President–Appoint and oversee members of the Executive Committee and
National Staff, conduct the annual member’s business meeting, schedule
regular meetings related to MSTA affairs. A two year position, renewable on the
basis of satisfactory performance and may serve up to three two year terms.
Vice President– Assist the President with MSTA activities and scheduled
meetings; coordinate volunteers throughout the organization, and act as the
primary contact to State, Co- and Area Directors, and National Staff
Treasurer–Responsible for all of the association’s financial transactions, all
money collected in the association’s name, membership fees, event fees,
contributions to the Dan Clark Safety Fund, raffle bike money, etc. Record all
bookkeeping activities. Prepare a financial statement for the annual business
meeting and for publication in the STAReview. Note: as deemed necessary by
the Executive Committee, financial reports may be requested on a quarterly
basis to be provided to the EC and/or membership.
Secretary–Record and publish minutes of all Executive Committee meetings
and the annual members meeting
Membership Committee/Director–collect new member applications and
membership renewals; provide literature describing the MSTA, plus member
application forms; provide new members with the official welcome packet and
name tags, keep the membership data files updated, prepare the annual
membership Bluebook. give a report to membership during the annual
membership meetings held at STAR events.
Media and Public Relations Director–coordinate with news/press, motorcycle
magazines and websites to promote the MSTA and the National and Regional
Events. Also coordinates with vendors and speakers for the STAR events.
Member-at-Large–appointed by the President as an acting member of the
Executive Committee
Norm said that the purpose of these job descriptions is for someone who might
consider the position to see what it would entail. Norm asked that everyone be
ready to present our positions at the next meeting.
Pat Mogavero FB discussion on 08/08 Re What is the purpose of MSTA? –
Currently Tabled
(Everyone agreed to tabled till January call and will provide the text of Pat’s
discussion at that time.)
Blue Books
From Pat Mogavero: So far this year, through the end of October, we have had
343 people renew their membership. Only 22 people have requested a
membership directory be printed and mailed to them. That is a 6.4% request
rate. Almost exactly what we had last year and the year before.
Personally, I have to question if doing printed bluebooks is even necessary
Should the option be removed from the printed and online renewal forms?
Debbie Todt made a motion to discuss and Lou seconded the motion. It was
agreed that with so few people requesting a printed copy to discontinue any
Blue Book printings at the end of 2024, and that with Paid Membership Pro any
member can go on and print contact information and probably even the entire
“thing”. Jerry made a motion to accept, Rob seconded and all agreed.
Question to Don Moe from member Steve Cook:
“Can I get a color name badge for my MSTA membership? I’d like to wear one
when I go to various rallies. I can pay you for one thru PayPal.”
Debbie said the color badges are expensive to print and Steve is the only one
who has ever requested one. Color badges are for Life and Sustaining Members
only. Lou made a motion to turn down Steve’s request and Dianne seconded it.
All agreed.
Event Websites Status Report- Norm
Most event websites have been updated and uploaded to the Ridemsta site.
Event coordinators have the links and can view them. They have been asked to
proofread their sites and submit changes before the sites go live in January.
The exceptions are:
GA sites for Dillard and TWO rallies are created and maintained by Chad Barker,
who has sent me the links for them.
Ozark Escape site is created & maintained by Jerry James
Sky High Tour location is not finalized so no site created yet.
STAR site is not started yet. Norm has a volunteer to do the routes but needs
more info before starting work on the site.
New Business:
Membership Info As of 12/01/2024- As of 12/1/2024, Total member count =
999 Expired = 16. New = 3. Expiring soon = 140.
Treasurers report- Kelly Ernst
As of November 30, 2024 Net Income = $6,114. Even with the additional costs
for Paid Membership Pro implementation costs we should still close out 2024 in
the black.
National Officer Changes
Event Photographer position is filled!
Norm received an email from member Jim Hill who lives in Virginia and
volunteered for the Event Photographer position. Jim has some professional
experience and is eager to do the job.
Norm contacted Jim Park, our previous event photographer, who was delighted.
He took over to get Jim Hill set up and he accepted the position! Jim Park is won
updated job description and helping Jim Hill with all the info he will need to do
the job.
Motion to approve: Dianne
Second: Debbie Decision: Unanimous
State News Editor for STAReview- Rob Milton said he can do the State News
Editor for STAReview job as he is already accessing some of that information.
Round the table Discussion-
Lou – referenced a previous question by Norm about who the Pa Local STAR
Coordinators are going to be. Lou said he plans to be involved as does Bob
Lyons and Lou will reach out to the Pa state directors to confirm that they will
also be local STAR coordinators.
Kelly – said last year the raffle bike was purchased in February. Lou knew that
Kissell Motors is nearby by and would contact the owner Josh Nolten who is
also an MSTA member.
Dianne – nothing other than Jim Park has the photographer position description
ready to forward to Jim Hill and to Norm tomorrow.
Kelly – said that the club’s finances are in good shape and she would like to see
some small MSTA branded item included in the registration packets at STAR.
We had stickers in the past, magnets a couple of years ago, and side stand
pucks last year.
Schedule next EC call- January 20th 2025
EC Call adjourn: Jerry made the motion to adjourn and Debbie seconded it
Date 11/18/24 EC Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:33
Roll Call:
Norm Kern*
Lou Laguna*
Brad Bachelor*
Debbie Todt*
Dianne Park*
Rob Milton*
Jerry James*
Kelly Ernst*
Dennis Villarose*
STAR Business:
Dennis Villarose- An agreement from Genetti Hotel in Williamsport PA for Star 2025. Rates from Oct 2-8 are single and double $90.96 – Suites $100.96. Best Western Points will work. They also furnish a continental Breakfast and Wifi. MSTA has reserved 180 rooms. There will be one free room for every 30 rooms picked up for guest speakers etc. All Meeting rooms $1500 for the week. EC vote to approve the Genetti Hotel – Motion: Dianne Second:Debbie Vote: Unanimous
STAR 2026 discussions have started. Further discussions will take place in a future meeting.
Dennis will be stepping down as STAR coordinator after STAR 2025.
Recap STAR TX Hill Country: Texas Group pulled off a great STAR. Dennis is reevaluating registration closing and lunch ride ticket problems that seemed to be an inconvenience this year.
Kelly suggested a raffle coordinator for 2025 STAR to help promote the raffle.
Jerry delivered the raffle bike to the winner. Jerry also received the raffle lift.
Old Business:
Progress report on Paid Membership Pro- Lou Laguna – Patrick Elworth is possibly going to get involved in website changes for PMP. He would like to evaluate our site on what changes need to be made to our website, then give anestimate on the cost of the scope of work.
EC vote for Patrick Elworth to evaluate PMP program : Motion: DianneSecond: Lou Vote: Unanimous
Update on monthly email blast- Lou Laguna – Going well, Diane wanted to make sure people are thanked. Lou wants to allow EC to look over the email blast and add to it as needed.
Report on Facebook group MSTA Members-Volunteers- Norm Kern The group currently has 92 members.
Report on updating the State/Area directors email lists and addresses-
Rob Milton State/Area Directors Email List Updates- Current and verified as of 11/18. Pending Vote Status will be removed once the votes are complete on 11/18 EC call.
New Business:
Membership Info for August As of 11/01/2024, Total member count = 1011
Expired = 7. New = 20. Expiring soon = 107
Treasurers report- Kelly Ernst report
$1070 sent to the IRS for taxes on the raffle bike.
I made an in-person visit to the First Bank in Knoxville, TN. I successfully changed address on all Certificates of Deposits. Early withdraw of the four certificate of deposits would have been well over $800. Wanting to be responsible with club funds I opted to leave funds on deposit at First Bank until their maturity dates which are October 25th & 26th. A week prior to these dates I will send a letter with notorized signature and a copy of my drivers license authorizing CD’s to be closed and maturity balances be sent via cashiers check to current address on account. Upon receipt of First Bank Certificate of Deposit balances I present options to the EC on how to re-invest these funds.
Discovered that I was missed informed First Bank Certificates of Deposits maturity dates. The four MSTA CD’s do not mature until October 25th & 26th of 2026. As I now have all address information changed and I have access to these funds, they will remain on deposit at First Bank. This matter will be address again next October with the EC determining how to proceed. The 2021 & 2022 MSTA Form 990 Annual Tax Returns have been amended with the correct investment interest reported and the amended returns have been accepted by the IRS.
In September I received an email request from Geoffrey Green this week requesting a check for Ride For Kids contributions for 2023 & 2024 prior to Fly By so these funds can be submitted to the charity before September 30, 2024. As Business Manager/Treasurer I will continue to track member donations and I will submit them to the Ride For Kids. I will attempt to continue to time donations with prize incentives, so prizes can be used for door prizes at STAR or other MSTA events.
National Officer changes
Chad Barker has agreed to step into the Georgia State Director role. Chad hasdone great things in reviving Georgia’s website as well as being an event coordinator for the North Georgia Classic.EC vote to confirm: Motion: Norm Second: Rob Vote: Unanimous
Tommy Victor of Georgia expressed the desire to be promoted to member. He has been a huge asset to the state and national club with his rides, leadership and overall great ambassador. He will continue to be all those, just not in an official role. EC vote to confirm: Motion: Brad Second: Debbie Vote: Unanimous
Bruce Schweikert, of Blue Ash, Ohio, has agreed to replace Doug McPeek as Ohio State director starting January 1. EC vote to confirm: Motion: Lou Second: Jerry Vote: Unanimous
Michael Dupuis volunteered to become South Carolina state director. He has been attending Lou Laguna’s local rides and activities in North Carolina and decided to see if he can get things going closer to home. Michael is not exactly new to volunteering- he was eastern Tennessee director before he moved to South Carolina and has been an MSTA member since 1992. EC vote to confirm: Motion: Lou Second: Rob
Vote: Unanimous
Blue Books
From Pat Mogavero: So far this year, through the end of October, we have had 343 people renew their membership. Only 22 people have requested a membership directory be printed and mailed to them. That is a 6.4% request rate. Almost exactly what we had last year and the year before.
Personally, I have to question if doing printed bluebooks is even necessary anymore?
Should the option be removed from the printed and online renewal forms?
Tabled EC vote to Table: Motion: Brad Second: Rob Vote: Unanimous
Question to Don Moe from member Steve Cook:
Round the table Discussion-
Jerry- Should EC members be allowed to win the raffles?
Norm stated that not allowing EC members or other volunteers to win would disincentivize the officers roles in the MSTA. The rules state active members can buy tickets and MSTA officers and directors are active members.
Schedule next EC call 16 Dec 7:30 EST
EC Call adjourn: 9:01
Motion: Debbie Second: Brad Vote: Unanimous
Date: 09/24/2024 EC Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:32 EDT
Roll Call:
Norm Kern*
Lou Laguna*
Brad Bachelor*
Debbie Todt*
Dianne Park*
Rob Milton*
Jerry James*
Kelly Ernst*
STAR Business:
STAR 24 Kerrville TX-
There are147 registrants so far
Norm has completed all routes and descriptions and uploaded to the
website. Kudos to Todd Nunnally and Mike Gilliland for their good
In lieu of a keynote speaker, Norm will give an address on
Diane said the Tee Shirts have been ordered. Other star items are
Massage therapists should be available andLaw enforcement has
been asked about signage around the event.
There has been some difficulty getting plastic bags for Star
packages. Kelly will reach out to progressive insurance for plastic
bags and have them shipped to Y.O. Ranch.
Klim will not be available as a vendor for the event. There should be
an email soon that will offer discounts to participants through Klim.
Helene Villemure will offer training.
Tuesday will have a movie offering.
Old Business:
Progress report on Paid Membership Pro
◦Lou- found it PMP a bit complicated, and will have another training session with Jeff Dolence
◦Jeff Dolence is trying to get the contractor to expedite changes to complete the PMP app. He would like to be able to offer a cash incentive to the contractor if needed. EC discuss whether to authorize Jeff and amount. Kelly explained it further in the following email:
EC Members,
As we voted to allow Jeff Dolence to offer a cash incentive to the contractor (The Express Tech) I wanted to advise everyone of the agreement:
10% incentive = $300
15% incentive = $450
20% incentive = $600
25% incentive = $750
30% incentive = $1,000
Note: Per the January 22, 2024 EC meeting minutes “Old Business” – Progress Report on Paid Membership Pro … Jeff Dolence estimates that we are getting $15K worth of development work for $3K.
$1500.00 – 50% Deposit to initiate project (Paid by MSTA VISA)
$ 750.00 – 25% Payment: Upon completion of 50% of the work (the MSTA has not paid)
$ 750.00 – 25% Payment: Upon completion of the project and successful deployment
$3,000.00 Total Project Cost
I am sharing this information so that a fair a reasonable amount of incentive can be offered if Jeff Dolence deems necessary. I’m also questioning the current completion percentage. If we have reached and verified 50% completion, then according to the agreement the $750 should be paid. However, I have not received any communication that second payment is due. (Possibly this is why we are delayed on this project.)
EC Motion: Debbie Second: Jerry Vote: Seven in favor / one opposed
Update on monthly email blast- Lou Laguna
◦ Due to a motorcycle rally (which I guess is an ok excuse…..) the October email blast will be sent on September 30th. Anyone with
anything to put in the blast should send it to Lou Laguna at
◦ Jerry requested that Scott Snedden track the email blast through Mailchimp’s analytics to determine how much contact engagement is being done by MSTA membership. Lou said he’d talk to Scott about that.
Report on Facebook group MSTA Members-Volunteers- Norm Kern
◦ The group currently has 90 members.
Report on updating the State/Area directors email lists and addresses- Rob Milton
◦ The State/ Area directors email lists and addresses arre all up to date. The newsletter websites are as up to date as possible under the currentsystem of publishing them.
Open national officer positions (to be filled when possible)
◦ Event Photographer-
◦ Raffle Coordinator-
◦ State News Editor for STAReview- possible candidate
◦ Replacement for Membership communications-
Need to review all National position job descriptions and update them- Tabled until the end of riding season
Pat Mogavero FB discussion on 08/08 Re What is the purpose of MSTA? – Tabled until the end of riding season
New Business:
Membership Info for August As of 9/1/2024, Total member count = 980.
Expired = 15. New = 11. Expiring soon = 88.
Treasurers report- Kelly Ernst
Overall cash balance increased by $6,429. Year-to-date net income as of August 31, 2024 = $25,762. However, this figured is secured due to STAR2024 revenue recorded and STAR2024 expenses have not been recorded.
As of meeting date we have 147 members registered for STAR2024, 4 of which registered today 9/24/2024. This number is still lower than typical STAR attendance of 200 to 250. However, members continue to register on-line & can register in-person at event. As we normally have 20 to 25 inperson registrants I estimate 10 in-person registrants, this amount combined with preregistered would equal 160 total registrants.
This past week I made an in-person visit to the First Bank in Knoxville, TN. I successfully changed address on all Certificates of Deposits. Early withdraw of the four certificate of deposits would have been well over $800. Wanting to be responsible with club funds I opted to leave funds on deposit at First Bank until their maturity dates which are October 25th & 26th. A week prior to these dates I will send a letter with notorized signature and a copy of my drivers license authorizing CD’s to be closed and maturity balances be sent via cashiers check to current address on account. Upon receipt of First Bank Certificate of Deposit balances I present options to the EC on how to re-invest these funds.
I received an email request from Geoffrey Green this week requesting a check for Ride For Kids contributions for 2023 & 2024 prior to Fly By so these funds can be submitted to the charity before September 30, 2024. As Business Manager/Treasurer I will continue to track member donations and I will submit them to the Ride For Kids. I will attempt to continue to time donations with prize incentives, so prizes can be used for door prizes as STAR or ther MSTA events.
National Officer changes
◦ Arkansas State Directors- Bill & Gayla O’Brien have stepped down frombeing the Arkansas State directors. The EC thanks them for their long service to the club. Jerry and Jamie James have agreed to take the position. Jerry says, “I feel that Jamie and I have a great relationship with most of the MSTA members from Arkansas and also see a lot of potential for growth going forward.”
EC vote to confirm: Motion: Brad Second: Rob Vote:Unanimous
Colorado/Wyoming State director- Randy Frank (Loveland, CO) has agreed to join Doug Logston as co-Colorado/Wyoming State Director,
effective October 1, 2024
EC vote to confirm: Motion: Jerry Second: Lou Vote:Unanimous
Illinois State Director-John Panek- has agreed to take the Position of illinois state director immediately.
EC vote to confirm: Motion: Dianne Second: Lou Vote:Unanimous
Making MSTA Banners Available for Sale to Members-
◦ Doug Logston wrote: “A few of the attendees at Durango Daze (Double D), earlier this month, really like the MSTA banner you sent to me. Can such a banner be purchased by a club member (and displayed as garage wall art)?”
◦ Norm’s thoughts:
1. Cost of you or me shipping a banner is about $20 so it makes sense to ship them once, directly to the ultimate purchaser.
2. For someone to order one on their own, it’s a PIA- they have to get a copy of the image file and navigate all the options and questions.
3. It’s easy to order a banner for someone who has done it before and know the process. Therefore, just have the member send a check or paypal the money to someone who orders the banner and has it drop-shipped directly to the member. Work out the procedure and find a volunteer to do it. Brad and Rob discussed that the resolution of the MSTA artwork was a problem for people did one on their own. It was suggested that Chris Parker, editor of the STAReview, may have the high resolution artwork. Rob suggested adding it to the MSTA storefront to sell the merchandise as well as other items. Jerry is sending info to Rob on the storefront he uses, and Rob is going to look into the sale of the banners.
Round the table Discussion-
◦ Brad appreciated Rob Milton’s effort on State Director’s meeting stating it was good to get feedback from other state directors about what works and what doesn’t.
Next EC meeting at STAR on Sunday October 20th at 6:00pm
EC vote to confirm: Motion: Jerry
EC Call adjourn 7:26EDT
Second: Debbie Vote:Unanimous
Date: 08/26/2024 August 2024 Meeting
EC Meeting minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:31ET
Roll Call Present:
Norm Kern*
Lou Laguna*
Brad Bachelor*
Debbie Todt*
Dianne Park*
Rob Milton*
Jerry James*
Kelly Ernst*
Not present:
Dennis Villarose
STAR Business:
STAR 2025- Nothing to report
STAR 24 Kerrville TX- Norm Kern has received routes and descriptions from Mike Gilliland and will work on them later this week.
Diane Park- There will be a STAR call at 4:00 on August 28.
Old Business:
Progress report on Paid Membership Pro- Norm has been busy with FlyBy Week. Lou Laguna and Jerry James met with Jeff Dolence at
FlyBy Week to talk about PMP testing so I ask them to report this time- Lou worked with Jeff on WordPress and PMP. Went through membership process as a test, and everything went well. Jerry also tested the software and said it worked well……
Update on monthly email blast- Lou Laguna said the next email blast is coming soon. It will contain remaining rally and star information,. Also, Doug Mcpeek will be leaving after 16 years as Ohio State Director.
Report on Facebook group MSTA Members-Volunteers- Norm Kern
The group currently has 87 members.
Report on updating the State/Area directors email lists and addresses- Rob Milton
The email and newsletter list is up to date. There will be a State Directors Zoom meeting on August 29th at 6:30PM.
There was some discussion about unifying state news letters on the web page.
Open national officer positions
John Panek was unanimously accepted for Illinois State Director. Debbie Todt brought up the motion, and Rob Milton seconded.
Event Photographer- Lots of attendees took pictures at FlyBy Week. Norm collected some of them and it looks like a pretty good collection. With all the people with excellent smartphone cameras taking pictures, perhaps we don’t need an official event photographer as much today. Just need to get someone to take a few official group pictures. Jerry James and Norm are updating the flyby week. It was suggested to possibly ask people to use a hashtag for pictures at future events.
Raffle Coordinator- Tabled until the end of riding season
State News Editor for STAReview- Tabled until the end of riding season
Replacement for Membership communications- Tabled until the end of riding season
New Business:
Membership Info for June As of 8/1/2024, Total member count = 981. Expired = 23. New = 11. Expiring soon =84.
Treasurers report- Kelly Ernst was pleased with how the flash sale for the STAR raffle tickets went. During the flash sale the club sold $2300 from 39 members. So far $7810 has been raised for the raffle bike ($400 short of the cost), and $2327 for the No-Mar lift. There are Currently 131 registrants for STAR
Lou Laguna was added to the MSTA financial account(s)
Glen Maxwell now heading up the Rides for Kids effort
Norm said that at Flyby week, people really liked the MSTA hats. Norm was thinking we can sell the hats at STAR and other rallies. Debbie brought up a motion to order 50 black hats. Lou seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Need to review all National position job descriptions and update them- Tabled until the end of riding season
Cost Proposal for Promotional Materials for MSTA-Oklahoma The purpose of this document is to try to secure funds to buy MSTA-Oklahoma
stickers to promote increased club membership.
Cost- 6” x 3.25” Die Cut Stickers (Qty 100) – $133.00
Stamps, envelopes, printer ink (Qty 20)- $20.00
Total- $153.00
Norm brought up the motion to provide the needed funds, and Diane seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Pat Mogavero FB discussion on 08/08 Re What is the purpose of MSTA? – For the sake of time, this subject will be tabled until a future meeting
Round the table Discussion-
Brad brought up that he thought the website is confusing and may not be iOS compatible. He also felt our membership registration site should be easier to find on the page
Rob was wondering how RideMSTA banners are shipped to event planner.
Norm suggested he contact Don Payne MSTA National Event Coordinator.
Norm reported that the Flyby week autographed helmet raffle brought in $700 for the Dan Clark Fund. A big Tip of the Helmet goes out to Jeremy Riffle, who was responsible for the entire effort
Next EC call is on 9/24 7:30PM EDT
EC Call adjourned 8:46PM EDT
MSTA EC Meeting Summary- July 2024
STAR Business:
STAR 24 Kerrville TX-
• An ice cream social has been added to the event
• Helene Villemure will be doing an accident seminar.
• Routes will be posted a month before star
• 104 members registered for star at this time
Progress report on Paid Membership Pro- Norm Kern
The next step for PMP software is final testing on the server. Since this is an active system that hosts the club’s internet presence, we have to be very careful that the PMP software does not interfere with existing functions.
Report on Facebook group MSTA Members-Volunteers-
Norm Kern
● The group currently has 86 members. Additional members-volunteers are being invited in the coming months
Open officer positions
National Recruiting Director
• Dennis Lyon accepted the position. An Executive committee vote was needed to confirm. The executive committee voted unanimously to have him fill this position
Membership Info for June
As of 7/1/2024, Total member count= 989. Expired = 11. New = 14. Expiring soon = 107
The next meeting will be Monday, august 26, at 7:30 PM