Email blast brought to you by the Executive Committee to keep you in the know!
The EC is comprised of the following members:
President – Norm Kern (OH)
Vice President – Lou Laguna (NC)
Membership – Debbie Todt (OH)
Media Relations – Dianne Park (FL)
State and Area Directors Liaison – Rob Milton (WI)
Secretary – Brad Bachelor (OK)
Member at Large – Jerry James (AR)
To contact members of the EC, go to and click on:
Club Leaders>National Officers
EC News:
The Facebook group MSTA Members-Volunteers continues to grow and currently has
92 members. Norm Kern started this group so that members who are interested in
volunteering in some way to help promote the success of the club can communicate
easily and be in the know. If you are interested in joining the volunteer FB group, please
contact Norm Kern directly at
The National Event Photographer position has been filled! Jim Hill (VA) has volunteered
to take on this position. Jim has a lot of experience as a professional photographer and
will be a great asset. Norm Kern put Jim in touch with Jim Park, our previous event
photographer and Jim P is working with Jim H to get him acclimated to the job. Thank
you Jim H for volunteering. Thank you Jim Park for your years of dedicated service to
this important position.
The following national officer positions are open. If you would like to volunteer for one of
these positions, please contact Norm Kern directly at
*Raffle coordinator
*Replacement for Membership Communications
Executive Committee Position Descriptions: Norm Kern requested that each member of
the executive committee prepare a list of their duties so the EC can begin the process of
drafting updated official committee position descriptions for members of the EC. This
will help potential incoming members to understand their duties and expectations.
To view the detailed minutes of all EC meetings go to then Forums.
Log into the Forum (You must be a paid MSTA member with and ID and Password to
log in) Then go to Downloads>MSTA EC Minutes
MSTA’s new website Paid Membership Pro: Due to ongoing difficulties encountered
with the company that was originally hired to build the web site, a US based contractor
has taken over the project and informed the EC that the site should be up and running
by the end of January.
STAR News:
STAR 2025 will be held in Williamsport Pennsylvania October 4-8. Hotel rates available
from October 2-8 are single and double $90.96 – Suites $100.96. Best Western Points
are eligible. They include a hot buffet breakfast and Wi-Fi. MSTA has reserved 180
To reserve your room call the Genetti directly at: (570) 326-6600.
Thank you Dennis Villarose for working with the Genetti Hotel to secure a great rate for
the rally. And thank you Bob Lion for visiting the Genetti to make sure they met the
necessary requirements for our club.
The EC is in the process of establishing a STAR 2025 committee. So far, Bob and Keri
Schegan (PA co-directors) and Chris Shoop have volunteered. If you are interested in
being part of the committee, please email Diane Park at:
Kissel Motorsports in Tyrone PA will be providing the raffle bike for STAR 2025. The EC
is speaking with them about possibly setting up a vendor booth at the hotel.
Regional News:
Check your latest issue of STAReview for the 2025 Rally Schedule. There are
numerous events scheduled for 2025!
Also, Regional Events details can be found in the STAReview and
at by clicking on:
Rally Calendar>Calendar + Schedule
Each regional event is highlighted on the calendar and by clicking on an event, you get
a pop-up with that event’s website and registration information.
State Leaders and Information:
Those states with Directors, websites, and/or newsletters can be found
at by clicking on:
Club leaders>State Directors
To see other state’s newsletters, Face Book pages and/or websites go
to and click on:
State Group Links, and click on any state you are interested in.
The above is a great way to find out what is going on at the state level.
Now that the riding season is slowing down, consider taking some time to draft a story and share some photos for publication in STAReview or your state newsletter!
Stay tuned for another Email Blast coming in February!