Recently Jim Pruner became a member of the MSTA Facebook Group. When he introduced himself he informed us that he was a product reviewer for the website WebBikeWorld. We reached out to him and asked if he would be interested in having some of his reviews posted to this site. He responded favorably and sent us this following review. It is the first of what we hope will be many more such articles. For the complete review, along with many more pictures and videos click on this link….
Jim Pruner
Ottawa, Ontario born (to ride) in 1975, but an Albertan since 1999. Married, Father of three children. Became a journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic just so I understand what makes the magic happen in all kinds of power train. Over 25 years of riding experience on road and off road, on many different makes and styles of motorcycle. I’ve never found a bike yet I didn’t want to ride, talk about or own.